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Gaga: "I think I know what my fans want"


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Hmm we kinda wanted rockga no? so she gave it to us..

it wazza lahav it wazza lahav it wazza purrrfect illujaaa

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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5 hours ago, Bobbins said:

What kind of ****ing shitty brown-nosing attitude is this? We PAY for her job, it was us who made her a star, and we continue funding her career and as the customer we deserve to be pleased. She is very lucky she has an amazing job to be a rich musician to make music for her fans. A LOT of us just passionately care about her career. The song is bad and its sales and the GP reaction reflect this. Sorry we're not all going to worshipping the floor she walks on. 

She owes you NOTHING. You CHOOSE to buy her ****. She actually should give no ****s what her fans want. And I'm pretty sure deep down that's what she's doing, because you all sound so mad it's ridiculous. Move on to somebody else instead of trying to force an artist to do something they don't want to do.

And the GP obsession is sad. The GP has made untalented people huge stars with massive hits while other people are completely unknown despite their huge talent.

Don't try to put Gaga into a box, you'll only make her want to do what she's doing even MORE.

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Katsuki Bakugo
7 hours ago, badgalriri said:

LMFAO do you gagaloo do you??


i want some

BTW teas for this album!!!

PI fits nicely with the latter half of BTW. So you already have it. 

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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Well it's going pretty amazing. Just want a nice MV now, thank you. Hopefully not boring, I mean simple can still be exciting. Exciteddd for the things in store

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Lion Heart

Well it ain't PI :nails: 

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Lord Temptation

We want to be put in our place. The haters want to hated and the lovers want to be loved.

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Honestly, most Gaga fans scare me these day with their obssession over charts and universal acclaim etc etc so I hope that ultimately Gaga just follows her gut artistically and produce something genuine. 

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ok, this entire conversation is kind-of funny...

...because people are completely ignoring the context of when she made that statement.

Not that that is particularly unusual here.

In fact they asked if the LG5 tour would be a big Gaga-esque production or a stripped down tour.  She basically acknowledged that it won't be a completely stripped down tour because "she thinks she knows what the fans want," which would imply to me that it won't just be Gaga and a band singing on stage, but probably will have some of the big pop elements and choreo that you all know and love.

it wasn't in reference at all to the music on LG5.

although personally, I hope that if she does "know" what the fans want that she ignores it to do what she needs to do as an artist.  Gaga has surprised me multiple times through her career because she hasn't just sat around making Just Dance 14.0.  I love being surprised by her, thats one big reason I'm a fan.


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10 hours ago, Kefir said:

She said in the interview now she wants to give us with LG5 that what we want and she thinks she knows what we want


Sureeeeee, if she knows that, the lead single won't divide the fans. And she knows fans love RedOne over Bloodpop anytime. 



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4 hours ago, ryhanna said:

So she's not allowed to change or branch out or take risks just because a few entitled fans think they have control over the direction of HER career because they bought an album or concert ticket? 

Grow up. 

And no, I'm not brown-nosing. I'm just not expecting an artist that I don't even know personally to bend their music to my personal taste. I hated ARTPOP, but does that mean Gaga should refund me and deliver me an album better suited to my personal taste just because I've willingly made a decision to spend my money supporting her work? No. 

Excuse my question, but is that you in your avi? Cause if so, you look like the actress from The Walking Dead whom plays Tara (it's a compliment of course). :D

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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