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Queen Gloria

AHHHH! Album title and cover have been leaked!


Kiss Me Once - Release Date: March 17th, 2014



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****ing hell this is too much everything is so perfect Into the Blue is SLAYING me :nooo:

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Guest Niolodi

Like I said in the album cover thread, the cover art works when you look at it as a sort of circa 1995 Kylie style cover.  Its got Confide in Me T' /a 90s gloss to it and totally works.

Just my opinion though 


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Love the song, can't deny the similarities to Sitting On Top Of The World by Delta though!


I doubt Delta is the first to sing you or true or blue that way.

And that's the extent of the similarity.

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Track-list is out. So many s-x songs. :toofunny: :whip:


1. Into The Blue
2. Million Miles
3. I Was Gonna Cancel
4. Sexy Love
5. Sexercize
6. Feels So Good
7. If Only
8. Les Sex
9. Kiss Me Once
10. Beautiful (feat. Enrique Iglesias)
11. Fine
12. Mr President (Bonus)
13. Sleeping With The Enemy (Bonus)


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Queen Gloria

The s-x titled songs sound ridiculous but I hope the songs are better than their titles. There are a few titles I'd never expect from Kylie, like Mr. President and Sleeping With The Enemy. Seems like she's pushed herself outside of her comfort zone. 

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Just listened to Into The Blue and I like it!! I need to listen a few more times to know how I really feel tbh, but it's really catchy.

Also, I bought The Best Of Kylie Minogue and Timebomb recently, and I'm loving them both :legend:

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Also, is Into The Blue on iTunes yet? Idk why but I can't find it if it is. And apparently the B-Side is a song called "Sparks"?? Do we know anything about this?

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