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Perfect Illusion: A drug anthem


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32 minutes ago, ReidOne said:

@jojuun apologies for the late night read, but please try again when your avatar doesn't feature a woman with a rave-inspired dance album called 'MDNA'

....and you still claim to be bothered by Gaga using a drug metaphor. smh :classy:


Well, I actually think the MDNA title thing was smart, it requires people to have more than 1 IQ point and catch the reference. It isn't flat out saying "I was high on amphetamines when we were in a relationship" like PI is... It's a play on letters and she used the Madonna-DNA thing as her concept because the tour was like a "best off" Madonna show. The show featured several references to her most famous/iconic "moments" from the past. It was like a Madonna-throwback. The DNA of Madonna, therefor MDNA was a smart title.

But what Madonna was dead wrong for was her appearance at Ultra (on the MDNA promo tour) and screaming to a crowd full of teenagers "Has anyone seen Molly?". She was so wrong for that one and it's on my Madonna-sh*t list. Not everything she does, I condone. Just like this with Gaga. I LOVE the production, I love the first verse, I love the chorus. But the second verse is just ruined for me with those references all over it. I think it's wrong. Like I said earlier in the thread, I have lost loved ones to drugs, who just started taking it "recreationally" at parties, then ended up dead after too much "blow" as Gaga likes to call it.

Madonna has always been very opposed to drugs, the MDNA thing was okay with me because not every 14 year old is going to catch that reference. Not even Cher knew what it was, remember? :toofunny:

But the "Molly" thing was a mess. It was uncalled for and was just a desperate attempt to appeal to the Ultra crowd and be seen as the "OG mother of EDM culture". Which she truly isn't and has probably realized since.

But Gaga has a history with drugs, I feel like she should know better, especially since she SAYS SO in the interview in my first post in this thread.

36 minutes ago, ReidOne said:

@jojuun please tell me you are trolling by this point? Because this thread is a mess. You are trying to attack Gaga for using a metaphor (and a brilliant one at that). She's by no means promotion drug culture with this song. Please, stop.

I'm just not here for DrugGa, even if it's a "clever metaphor". It romanticizes drugs and as 2011 Gaga (included in the video in the OP) said herself "it's not cool, it's not artistic, it's for f*cking losers."

It's just my point of view. I have cut out the second verse of PI and used the 1st verse again and that really just solves it for me. Now I can LOVE the song like everyone else. Because I do. Her vocals, the keychange, the production, the crescendo... I am LOVING Perfect Illusion. The drug reference just rubs me the wrong way.

I'm also scared. :ohno: I hope she is NOT in that place anymore and this is the one and only drug reference on LG5. If there's another MJH or Dope on there (lyrically), I am going to get a Meet&Greet package again and give her the card to Narcotics Anonymous.  

Out of all the "illusions" and references she could do with that theme, she has to use the chemical implications throughout an entire verse. I'm just not here for it... 

I love it, adore it, just without the second verse, because the lyrical content deeply disturbes me. Go talk to someone who dislikes it for not being "a smash hit". I'm just upset cause DrugGa is seriously the most f*cked up thing and we all agreed on that in the past, didn't we? Those pictures of her being high as hell from BTWB until ARTPOP disturbed everyone. Everyone was scared when she said she still did "coke occasionally" and took "sleeping pills everyday". But now it's okay? Now we don't fear for her addictions anymore? What's next, are we going to condone R. Kelly again? "But Gaga is a rape victim!". That still doesn't excuse the fact she worked with a known abuser on a record. There's footage of R. Kelly peeing on an underage girl on the internet and some people still wonder why Interscope held back the video...

This is an addition to my Gaga-sh*t list, just like Madonna has one for me, even tho they are both my faves. 

I have a Gaga avatar on a Madonna forum by the way :nails:

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Umm beautiful dirty rich, I like it rough, so happy I could die, Jewels N' Drugs, just dance, MJH, cake like lady gaga , dope, stache and many more say why are you acting like its the first time gaga references drugs and alcohol....? 

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Luxe Ford

Correction: amphetamine is *not* an active in ecstasy (MDMA, methylene dioxy methamphetamine). It's a very distant relative with very different effects.

I think she's far too disciplined to be using though. At least not regularly. 

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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10 hours ago, flopheart said:

The song compares love to drugs.

Seems so easy to understand, doesn't it? 

It is a common metaphor that is used in songs, literature and everyday language. 

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They're just metaphors and she is using them to signify the meaning of the song. She's not promoting drugs or anything, you're looking way too far into this.

Plus, she's working with Kevin Parker, who is in a psychedelic rock band. The song was originally Tame Impala's, and it was called Illusion, or something to that effect. Gaga, Mark, BloodPop, and Kevin all worked and improved the song to what we know it today. 

Seriously, it's not a "drug anthem" or anything, she's using them as metaphors. 

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