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The Fame, Fame Monster, And Born This Way Worldwide Album Sales?


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Sorry for making a thread about this, I just can't seem to get a straight answer for the current worldwide sales of the three albums. Does anyone know?

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They seem to vary by source. I know they only count the album sales every 3 months or so and update the numbers.

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i don't know tbh. she sold so much album from the fame+fame monster i think 13 millions combined and BTW i think it's 5,7 millions it's seems legit.

Où est-tu ma Salope ?
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I think it's 10-12m for TF, 5-6m for TFM and 8-9m for BTW

Those numbers seem too high

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Something like 14-15M TF, 4-5M TFM, 6-7M BTW.

I don't know, we don't have exact numbers

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But didn't she sell over 10 million BTW worldwide.........

the only confirmation we have is that she has sold copies 8 Million World wide

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Gaga is Life

I don't know, I can imagine the sales of Born This Way somewhere between 7-8 million. I'm sure the others would be quite a lot.

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The Fame Monster sales are probably confusing, since some countries added sales to The Fame and other countries saw it as a stand alone release.

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Yeah I'm wondeing the same thing!! Is born this way at 8 million sold worldwide? Because people

Keep saying loud has sold just as much but hasn't loud only sound 6 million worldwide?

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There are no individual sales for The Fame and The Fame Monster because most countries counted them as one album.... so sales for that are screwed.

TF/M - 15-16 million (24 million shipped)

BTW - 6 million (9 million shipped)

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