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Gaga: "Gun control is needed to end violence"

Morphine Prince

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5 minutes ago, Kayla said:

Gun education is needed to end violence. 

If we educated people about guns and the risks the way we did about smoking over the last ten years maybe using a gun for violence would feel as weird as lighting up a cigarette in a restaurant nowadays. 

I don't really think gun education would do anything. 

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9 hours ago, SlaeUrAnus said:

If someone has their minds set on hurting someone, they will do it regardless even if they are tighter with gun laws.

It's a step in the right direction of course, but it won't end the violence. 

it will end most shooting violence in the US.


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11 minutes ago, Bae said:

I don't really think gun education would do anything. 

Look at gun usage in rural areas, though. MUCH higher rate of gun ownership in the urban areas and a significantly lower rate of gun usage for violence. Why? Maybe because people in those areas were raised with guns for specific purposes- hunting, collection, sport, etc. 

Granted, guns for violence is also largely related to economic issues, so education wouldn't necessarily be the end-all-be-all for gun violence, but high regulation combined with intense education could do a lot of good. 

You can totally compare it to how we should tackle drug issues, imo. 

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28 minutes ago, Miracle said:

it will end most shooting violence in the US.


Sadly, it will not.

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In Japan, it's incredibly hard to get a gun. You have to pass multiple tests, take classes, and register your gun every year. There are close to ZERO gun deaths in Japan per year.

In Australia, after their worst mass shooting in history, they immediately banned guns and took them from citizens. There have been ZERO mass shootings since.

For those of you that say gun control doesn't work, you're filthy liars that prefer the right to own deadly weapons over the right for me to walk into a movie theater, a church, an elementary school, or a ****ing gay club without getting SHOT.



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10 minutes ago, thehanyo said:

In Japan, it's incredible hard to get a gun. You have to pass multiple tests, take classes, and register your gun every year. There are close to ZERO gun deaths in Japan per year.

In Australia, after their worst mass shooting in history, they immediately banned guns and took them from citizens. There have been ZERO mass shootings since.

For those of you that say gun control doesn't work, you're filthy liars that prefer the right to own deadly weapons over the right for me to walk into a movie theater, a church, an elementary school, or a ****ing gay club without getting SHOT.



I always use Japan as a great example, and it is one. 

It's a great example of a variety of testing, mental health assessment, and training to ensure that him owners are knowledgeable and mentally stable. 


I just don't understand why the government can't be intelligent on this. It's always a question about freedom, freedom to bare arms etc.


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18 minutes ago, thehanyo said:

In Japan, it's incredible hard to get a gun. You have to pass multiple tests, take classes, and register your gun every year. There are close to ZERO gun deaths in Japan per year.

In Australia, after their worst mass shooting in history, they immediately banned guns and took them from citizens. There have been ZERO mass shootings since.

For those of you that say gun control doesn't work, you're filthy liars that prefer the right to own deadly weapons over the right for me to walk into a movie theater, a church, an elementary school, or a ****ing gay club without getting SHOT.



I don't disagree with what you're saying, but in the case of Japan it is also important to consider their culture. The Japanese are terribly afraid of being shamed or shunned by their community, and for them they view their identity as a part of a community whereas western nations tend to identify as an individual which merely interacts with the community.
(For example, if I am recalling correctly, if you ask a child from an asian culture to draw a picture that represents them they will often draw themselves surrounded by family and friends, whereas if you do the same with a child from western culture he or she will often draw themselves alone with other physical representations of their individual interests)

I couldn't find the specific study I referenced, but the Wikipedia page does more than enough to further explain the Japanese community mentality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_values

And I mean...if you read that it becomes very clear why a society like that would have so few incidents of gun violence. I'm willing to bet that even if guns were allowed more freely in Japan the rates would stay relatively low because of their societal mentality. 

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7 hours ago, TimisaMonster said:

If not guns, people will find other ways to kill...its people who will only continue to get more and more violent! 

Guns are just one of MANY weapons that can be used to hurt or kill someone. Violence will not end with this system...

If a man with a knife walked into Pulse a very small amount of people would have been injured.

Instead, a man who had access to a rifle that delivers multiple shots managed to affect over 100 lives. 

Violence will never end. But there is NO NEED to have these type of weapons in the hands of people that are not effectively controlled or monitored. 


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10 hours ago, ryanripley said:

they do but banning guns probably won't :v: not having a gun doesn't stop one from being crazy enough to do the deed :v:

Australia put strict gun laws into place in 1997.

Wanna guess when thier last mass shooting was??


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7 minutes ago, Johnikan said:

Australia put strict gun laws into place in 1997.

Wanna guess when thier last mass shooting was??


Germany has gun laws and when was their last shooting? today. :fthis:

some more facts incase you're interested, there's even myths about your statement: http://www.gunfacts.info/gun-control-myths/guns-in-other-countries/

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23 minutes ago, ryanripley said:

Germany has gun laws and when was their last shooting? today. :fthis:

some more facts incase you're interested, there's even myths about your statement: http://www.gunfacts.info/gun-control-myths/guns-in-other-countries/

Did my post mention Germany and/or any other place? 


It mentioned Australia. So in that sense :fthis::fthis:

Also, if your gonna send a link as a source for something please make sure it is a reliable source and not just some site dedicated to a particular viewpoint and a bunch of tailored statistics and graphs. As a wise man once said, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics". It'd also help if selling thier books didn't feel like thier main concern :green::green::green:

I have a lot to do today and don't really care to continue this topic, hopefully your'e able to leave it at that and have a good day :hor::hor::hor:

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11 minutes ago, Johnikan said:

Did my post mention Germany and/or any other place? 


It mentioned Australia. So in that sense :fthis::fthis:

Also, if your gonna send a link as a source for something please make sure it is a reliable source and not just some site dedicated to a particular viewpoint and a bunch of tailored statistics and graphs. As a wise man once said, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics". It'd also help if selling thier books didn't feel like thier main concern 

I have a lot to do today and don't really care to continue this topic, hopefully your'e able to leave it at that and have a good day :hor::hor::hor:

well you're trying to use australia as an example so i'm only doing the same so there's no need to get upset about that, your point against that makes no sense :laughga: 

and there's mountains of evidence that support my claim that gun laws won't solve the issue so good luck defying that :shrug: 

and also good luck with all your busy tasks today, there was no need to be that b*tchy about it :duck:

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11 hours ago, Bradley Cooper said:

Which song is that? Highway Unicorn? #flopfan

The song goes "got a gun smoking under her toes".

Go see A Star is Born
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12 hours ago, Sudarshana said:

said the writer of the lyrics “I was born with my free gun” :gaycat:



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