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5 reasons Beyoncé is not a fashion icon


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From Flare's article: 5 Reasons Beyoncé Is Not a Fashion Icon

Unpopular opinion: yes, she’s an unbelievably talented performer and a cultural icon whose influence is far-reaching. But when it comes to fashion, Bey’s no queen

1. She’s too concerned with looking perfect.

2. She has no personal style.

3. She has zero street style.

4. She can’t hold a candle to Solange.

5. She’s late to the party.

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Do y'all agree? Did she deserve that fashion icon award? Did y'all peek that Gaga credit? All questions worth discussing!

Personally IMO, I love Bey to death, probably second favorite artist after Gaga, but there's some tea in these points. :madge: 


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Weird arguments imo.

1. Who cares? As if the other winners didn't have that.

2. That's not true, I feel. Fierce, sexy and aggressive is a style.

3. She doesn't need to inspire when she's not performing.

4. It's always easy to find someone who does things better.

5. So were all the other people mentioned.

I feel like the author should criticize the award and the people who give them, not Beyoncé. Beyoncé's perfectly in line with the other winners.

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Beyonce can be fashionable, but I don't usually get the sense that its her personal ideas or anything, she doesn't wear anything super crazy or boundary pushing and now that I think about it, I hardly ever hear anything other than "She looks good/gorgeous!" its never paid any special attention. I don't think shes a fashion ICON.

Now that they say it though, Solange better WERK! Me googling and whoo, she's got it.


私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Would'nt be surprised if they give katy the same award next year 😕

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Honestly she can look good in pretty much anything. But yeah, I agree with you. She hasn't really been pushing anything fashion-wise. I think she only got the award because she's such a huge figure and CFDA is into the whole corporate celebrity/fashion thing.

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I remember this article from a couple of years ago: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/31/fashion/beyonce-discounts-the-fashion-icon.html

I mean I don't really take it too seriously though, I caught her speech and thought it was really incredible. Her last couple MET Gala looks have been on point and she has definitely upped her fashion game in the past couple of years so good for ha.

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Well imo she doesn't deserve it cause of the 1st reason of that list and mostly cause I feel like she has no input in what she wears, it feels like she is on the level of Kim Kardashian, having a whole team creating a perfect look that she will just put on, and have praise by the public cause her extra pro team picked it for her. Not that others don't do that, but they have at least some input in it. 

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She was just recently slapped with another lawsuit due to plagiarism. Nothing about her is as astounding as people make her out to be. She's overrated. Even Katy Perry is more original.

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This might be interesting. Diane's speech:

"The image of a woman being in charge has never looked more glamorous and more desirable. She is everything all women want to be and after listening to her, no woman should ever feel belittled or insecure again. Talent, heart, strength and courage. That is what true style is about and all of that is what Beyoncé is the best example of."

It's a meaningless award, who cares. Is Nicole Kidman a fashion icon? No. Pharrell? Pls. Rihanna? Maybe, but celebs are praised for their stylists as usual.

It's almost an insult to actual fashion designers to take this dumb category so seriously that you have to criticize a celeb for getting it just to amp up the event's press coverage. Talk about actual fashion or don't.

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Meghan Trainer has a grammy, Sam Smith won an Oscar, sometimes we just get what we don't really achieved, :shrug:

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The Child

Who cares? She got that award and nothing you'll say will change the fact that she got it so stay mad in silence please cause we don't care.

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I get what you mean, it's the difference between style and fashion. She has her own subtle style of looking perfect. but is not a fashion icon IMO. 

But in terms of the award it's really no big deal to me- it's their award and they choose who they give it to. They've given to a lot less fashionable people than Beyonce, so I'm not going to lose sleep over it. 

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10 minutes ago, Didymus said:

This might be interesting. Diane's speech:

"The image of a woman being in charge has never looked more glamorous and more desirable. She is everything all women want to be and after listening to her, no woman should ever feel belittled or insecure again. Talent, heart, strength and courage. That is what true style is about and all of that is what Beyoncé is the best example of."

It's a meaningless award, who cares. Is Nicole Kidman a fashion icon? No. Pharrell? Pls. Rihanna? Maybe, but celebs are praised for their stylists as usual.

It's almost an insult to actual fashion designers to take this dumb category so seriously that you have to criticize a celeb for getting it just to amp up the event's press coverage. Talk about actual fashion or don't.

I agree that awards like these are just to give it more press coverage and benefit designers with that exposure. But dontcha think it's becoming too blatant when they just hand out these awards to big celebrity names without any proper consideration of their impact through fashion. I can see how Beyonce is empowering for females, but how does that make her a 'fashion' icon? Pharrell and Rihanna have both made moves in fashion with collaborations like adidas and puma etc. And both of them have undeniably led the masses in fashion through their street style. What impact on fashion does Beyonce have other than wearing leotards? Ok she released a sweatshirt collection with bold 'ivy park' prints but that's it. She's no fashion icon in any way. And I say this with utmost respect for Beyonce as an artist and as a person.

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holy scheisse
34 minutes ago, Lance said:

She was just recently slapped with another lawsuit due to plagiarism. Nothing about her is as astounding as people make her out to be. She's overrated. Even Katy Perry is more original.

As much as I like to discredit kety, this is accurate. Lemonade is still fabulous though! 

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