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Charts In France: RedOne speaks about Gaga and more in a new interview


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On mobile right now. The OP will be better later.


Everything about Gaga:

Je ne peux pas rencontrer RedOne sans lui parler de Lady Gaga ! Qu'est-ce que ça fait de se dire qu'on a lancé la carrière mondiale d'une telle popstar ?
Je suis honoré... et heureux que ce soit arrivé ! (Rires) Je suis vraiment reconnaissant, parce que personne ne sait jamais vraiment comment ça va se passer. Même si toi tu sens qu'il y a quelque chose de spécial. Il faut juste donner le meilleur de soi-même, faire ce que tu aimes, avec tout ce que ça demande d'implications, de concessions. Tu ne peux pas prédire ! Le reste c'est au bon vouloir du monde, de Dieu...

« Je voulais trouver la prochaine Madonna »

Tu rêvais de cette explosion à l'international ?
Bien sûr ! C'était mon rêve et mon but ! Je me disais toujours que je voulais trouver la prochaine Madonna. Je te jure ! C'était mon rêve. Et il s'est réalisé !

Mais, en studio, quand tu étais avec Lady Gaga à cette époque, tu sentais que vous étiez en train de créer des tubes planétaires...
Ok ! Tu vois, dans un sens oui, car tu crois vraiment que ça peut être énorme. Mais en même temps, tu as l'habitude que des choses ne se concrétisent pas toujours comme tu le souhaites. Donc tu te dis "Bon, allez, on croise les doigts !". Mais bien sûr quand les gens venaient au studio écouter les titres, ils était là "Oh mon Dieu, c'est énorme !". C'est ce que nous ressentions aussi car on y croyait vraiment fort.

« Avec Gaga, c'était vraiment unique »

J'ai l'impression que ce qu'il s'est passé entre Lady Gaga et toi, cette alchimie musicale et créative, ça n'arrive qu'une fois dans une vie. Tu es d'accord ?
Ce que je peux dire que ça n'arrive pas si souvent ! (Sourire) Ce n'est pas quelque chose qui arrive tout le temps. J'ai eu beaucoup de numéros un avec d'autres artistes, mais ce qu'il s'est passé avec Gaga, c'était vraiment unique. Je pense que ça pourrait m'arriver encore. Peut-être... J'y crois. Mais tu ne peux pas savoir... Je travaille sur quelques projets avec des artistes où je me dis que ça pourrait se reproduire. Mais ça ne tient pas qu'à la musique en fait. Il y a d'autres facteurs à prendre en compte. Les étoiles doivent être alignées.

Tu as travaillé avec elle sur "The Fame" et "The Fame Monster", qui sont les disques préférés des fans...
Et les plus énormes ! J'en suis très fier.

Elle a cette carrière très intéressante maintenant...
Oui, c'est vrai...

Tout le monde sait que tu travailles à nouveau avec elle sur son prochain album...
On a fait huit chansons ensemble pour son album. Mais je ne sais pas si c'est la direction dans laquelle elle veut aller. Tu sais, les artistes grandissent, les choses arrivent dans leur vie alors ils ne veulent plus faire ci ou ça...

« Je lui souhaite le meilleur »

En termes de sons, c'est proche de "The Fame" ?
En fait, avec ces chansons, ce que j'ai essayé de faire c'est de garder ce que les fans attendent mais aussi ce qu'elle a envie de faire maintenant. C'est un mélange. Donc attendons de voir... De toute façon, je pense qu'elle va frapper fort, que ce soit avec moi ou avec d'autres. Je lui souhaite le meilleur, peu importe ce qu'elle fera.

Et donc tu ne sais toujours pas si une des huit chansons sera sur l'album, ou les huit d'ailleurs ? J'ai vu qu'elle travaillait avec tellement de monde...
Non, du tout. Personne ne sait. Je pense qu'elle-même ne sait pas encore... Oui, elle travaille avec pas mal de gens. Elle essaie de trouver le bon truc. On verra ce que ça donne !

Est-ce qu'on a la pression quand on se retrouve en studio après avoir fait ces énormes hits comme "Poker Face" ou "Just Dance" ?
Je ne peux pas vraiment dire qu'on avait la pression quand on a fait ces huit titres. Bien sûr, il y en a un petit peu dans un cas comme celui-là... Mais le truc c'est que tu dois oublier tout le reste...

« La pression est là »

On se dit "On a fait des titres tellement dingues que je ne peux pas faire mieux" ?
C'est marrant, je me souviens que j'avais cette même sensation à l'époque. "Poker Face" était devenu tellement énorme. On avait fait "LoveGame", "Just Dance", qui ont été numéros un. Et quand il a été question de faire la réédition "The Fame Monster", beaucoup de mes amis m'ont dit "Tu ne pourras jamais refaire un truc aussi énorme que "Poker Face" !". (Rires) Je leur ai dit "Je crois que je peux en fait !". Et on a fait "Bad Romance", et BOOM ! Ça a été encore plus fort.

@Didymus, thank you so much

Translation of all the relevant parts (not 100% exact but I promise the gist of it will be accurate):

Q: How does it feel to be able to say you've launched the worldwide career of such a pop star?

A: I'm honoured. And happy it also arrived! (laughs) I'm serious, because no one really knows how something like that is going to happen. It's the same as anyone knowing they have something special. It's just about giving your all, doing what you love, accepting the obstacles and the sacrifices in your way. You can never predict! The rest is up to the good will of the world, of God...

Q: Did you dream of such an international explosion?

A: Of course! It was a dream of mine, I told myself daily I wanted to find the next Madonna. I swear. It was my dream. And it came true.

Q: But in the studio with Gaga back in the day, you had to know you were about to create global hits...

A: Ok! You see, in a sense yes, because you really believe what you're doing could become huge. But at the same time, you know that things don't always happen the way you wish they would. So you say "Ok, here we go, let's cross our fingers!" But of course when her people came into the studio to hear the songs they were like "My goodness, this is huge!" That was what we thought too, because we believed in what we were doing so much.

Q: I have the impression that what happened between you and Lady Gaga, this musical and creative alchemy, doesn't often occur in every lifetime. Do you agree?

A: I can definitely agree that it doesn't occur often! (laughs) It's not something that happens all the time. I have lots of songs with other artists, but what happens with Gaga, it's really unique. I think it might happen again, though. Maybe... I believe it. But you can't know in advance... I'm working on several projects with artists where I think it might occur again. But it's not enough to just make some music. Other factors are important too. The stars must all be aligned.

Q: You've worked on "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster", those are the fans' favorite albums.

A: And they're the best! I'm very proud of them.

Q: She has a very interesting career right now...

A: Yes, it's true...

Q: The whole world knows you're working with her on her new record.

A: We've done eight songs for her album. But I don't know if it's the direction she wants to go in. You know, other stuff comes in the path of big artists and they decide not to do this or that anymore.

Q: In your view, is the music close to "The Fame"?

A: In fact, with our songs, what I tried to do was protect what the fans expect but also incorporate what she's after right now. It's a mix. So we'll have to wait and see... Anyway, I think she'll hit big, either with me or with other people. I wish her the best, no matter what she'll decide.

Q: And so you don't always know if one of these eight songs will make the album, or all of them? I've seen she's been working with many people...

A: No, not at all. Nobody knows. I think even she doesn't know yet... Yeah, she's working with great people. She's trying to find just the right thing. We'll see if it works out!

Q: Did you feel any pressure when you return to the studio after making such enormous hits like "Poker Face" or "Just Dance"?

A: I can't really say there was any pressure around us when we made these eight songs. Of course, there's a bit of fear with a case like this... But forgetting all that stuff is exactly the trick.

Q:  You tell yourself: "We made such crazy songs, I can't do any better?"

A: That's funny, I remember feeling just like that at the time. "Poker Face" had become so big. We'd done "LoveGame", "Just Dance" was number one. And when the idea came to do the reissue "The Fame Monster" many of friends told me "You're never gonna make something as big as "Poker Face"!" (laughs) I said: "I think I can, actually!" And we made "Bad Romance", and BOOM! It was even bigger.


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the only thing he's been talking about lately is Gaga, which might mean:

- he's on lg5 with more songs and they're good friends :hor:


- she hasn't informed him any info about his songs whether they'll be on lg5 or not, so he's trying to 'wake her up' this way 



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*Gets ready for ANti-RedOne gangbang party: Reloaded* :rip: 

See talent here-->http://bit.ly/2eqeUxK
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Bloody Matt
2 minutes ago, MaryJaneHolland said:

the only thing he's been talking about lately is Gaga, which might mean:

- he's on lg5 with more songs and they're good friends :hor:


- she hasn't informed him any info about his songs whether they'll be on lg5 or not, so he's trying to 'wake her up' this way 



+ he has an album to promote, so yeah talking about Gaga will give him more attention, I guess. 

Even tho it's becoming slightly annoying now. But they probably just ask him so...

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He's calling Gaga the next Madonna. How 2008 of him.

Edit: See my translation of everything in the OP :chica:

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He's also saying that he's worked with a lot of artists but the magic that he and Gaga create together in the studio is very different, it's unique.

Edit: Same as above :chica:

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5 minutes ago, MaryJaneHolland said:

the only thing he's been talking about lately is Gaga, which might mean:

- he's on lg5 with more songs and they're good friends :hor:


- she hasn't informed him any info about his songs whether they'll be on lg5 or not, so he's trying to 'wake her up' this way 



- He knows he won't be on the album so this is his revenge! 

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Wow they really used the oldest picture of her they could find. But at least it wasn't the one. You know which one. The one.

OT: wow there's a lot about Gaga. At least this time he sounds happy. Maybe because it's about the past... he seems to be stuck there. 

Ah but he does talk about those infamous 8 songs. So noone knows what is and is getting used yet, so maybe we can rule out that he's pressed about her cutting his content from LG5. There's still hope for the RedOnesters yet :laughga:

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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Did any of you actually read the article :laughga:

He says in it that they did write those 8 songs, but nobody, even himself, knows exactly what she will choose yet.

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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The Surrealist
Just now, Didymus said:

"We made eight songs together for the album, but I don't know if they're the direction she wants to go in. You know, new things come in the path of big artists and they can decide they don't want to do this or that anymore."

I don't know how many times he wants to say that. It's like he is stuck on repeat.

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1 minute ago, Didymus said:

"We made eight songs together for the album, but I don't know if they're the direction she wants to go in. You know, new things come in the path of big artists and they can decide they don't want to do this or that anymore."

You beat me by like 2 seconds :laughga:

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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