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Katy Perry keeps this fanbase together

Andrew Warhola

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Andrew Warhola

It's no secret that Katy Perry has become GGD's go-to scapegoat, who's held responsible for the most ridiculous mishaps in Gaga's career. Let's take a look at ARTPOP tumblr_inline_mu3oa1jKu51s6c3ft.gifRegardless of how much some members want to convince themselves that Katy Perry is the main culprit for ARTPOP's underperformance, she's not, ARTPOP flopped on it's own. The race wasn't even close. Applause peaked at #4cat_zpsa5a1f50gaga1ur0v.png,  if I recall correctly, while Katy Perry was enjoying her compilation of motivational, inspirational and empowering internet quotes smash hit Roar. So that's that. If that offends you, then don't blame me, blame yourself for placing that much importance on commercial success. At the end of the day the charts just reflected that people weren't there for what Gaga had to offer at the time. But people obviously don't have the final say in what's better or worse just take a look at America's most popular candidates. But I digress.

I've also stumbled accross some pathetic conspiracy theories about Katy Perry waiting for Gaga to announce LG5 to release KP4 at the same time "just like she did with ARTPOP", "because her main goal is to destroy Lady Gaga's career". Provided that Katy even has that much say in her label's choices, it would be ludicrous to suggest that these important decisions would be rooted in resentment or animosity of any sort. Just like Gaga, Katy is a pop star, signed to a big label and no matter what they have made you believe, the main goal will always be profit, whether they agree with it or not.

There are plenty of reasons why labels would choose to have singers compete against each other, especially artists with a solidified fanbase, like Katy Perry and Gaga. It's no coincidence that artists like Justin Bieber and One Direction, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato, Meghan Trainor and Ariana Grande, etc, release so close to each other. Fanbases will feel compelled to outdo their idol's "nemesis", to buy mulitple copies, because that's what their favorite artist wants them to do, either implicitly or explicitly (yeah, I'm looking at you, Gaga).

So it's clear that not only Gaga has a pseudo-enemy. In fact, most artists with a cult following do. I believe that competitiveness/rivarly is what often pushes casual fans to take the leap and become a devoted fan. And labels/managers are aware of this phenomenon, so they're very likely to exploit it. It's actually pretty effective at keeping a fanbase united. A mutual enemy gives fanbases an apparent (but in reality non-existing) purpose and often serves as a topic of conversation, when discussing your favorite artist has become dull and repetitive. Artists like Adele, who despite not having a specific rival, have managed to amass an astonoshing amount of followers are obviously an exception, though it's still more uncommon to find an Adele fan who is as obsessed with her, as a Beyoncé fan is obsessed with Queen B.

(Side note: I would have also mentioned Madonna, but I feel like Lady Gaga is to Madonna fans, what Katy Perry is to monsters and not necessarily vice versa. And before you quote me, no, not in terms of talent, simply how Madonna fans consider Gaga a threat.)

Anyway tl;dr, my ideas are all over the place, but bottom line: Do you agree that Katy Perry is instrumental in keeping this fanbase together?

she's a party girl with a bad habit for drugs
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Andrew Warhola
1 minute ago, littlemonsterwo said:

I disagree. 


she's a party girl with a bad habit for drugs
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Robo Ga

I feel like Katy is so irrelevant, like am I the only monster who doesn't care about her or her success? I actually never give her a second thought. I just want new music from Gaga and I don't care at all what Katy does/how Katy's music performs when compared to Gaga. I'll always know Gaga is the superior artist, period.

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Just now, Andrew Warhola said:


You asked, I replied. That's it. :firega:

Stressed, depressed, but well dressed.
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It's an interesting point that every group of people always needs to have an "enemy" and imo opinion it's somewhat true. It's also true that Katy is the "enemy" for many Gaga fans, but saying she's is the reason that is keeping together the fan base is a bit of an exaggeration.


(Madonna is.:derpga:)

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4 minutes ago, Robo Ga said:

I feel like Katy is so irrelevant, like am I the only monster who doesn't care about her or her success? I actually never give her a second thought. I just want new music from Gaga and I don't care at all what Katy does/how Katy's music performs when compared to Gaga. I'll always know Gaga is the superior artist, period.


Stressed, depressed, but well dressed.
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Andrew Warhola
3 minutes ago, teo said:

It's an interesting point that every group of people always needs to have an "enemy" and imo opinion it's somewhat true. It's also true that Katy is the "enemy" for many Gaga fans, but saying she's is the reason that is keeping together the fan base is a bit of an exaggeration.


(Madonna is.:derpga:)

I agree, just wanted it to sound more controversial :sis:

she's a party girl with a bad habit for drugs
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Absolutely. Psychology even has a basis for that: people build their identity mostly by postulating an "other" that has all the qualities the individual does not want to identify with. This would in fact be a far more powerful tool for identification and group building than self-idenfication in terms of positive values (I am this and that ≠ I am not that).

And the exploitation possibility is just logical then. Look at how much free promo Gaga gets for every release: her fans want her to succeed, i.e. to beat her competition, though they're only being framed as competition by the narrative the music industry provides itself - whoever's higher on the charts wins. The ultimate expression of that is people buying multiple copies of the same product to get their fav more success as if they're doing them a favor and not being ripped off.

So also in that sense artists like Katy are instrumental in keeping the fanbase together and devoted to a single purpose: to push Gaga to the highest possible commercial level, because this gives them the satisfaction of stanning for the "right" artist. For Gaga fans that's beyond obvious, since they're constantly babbling about how Gaga will be remembered as a legend in decades to come etc. Gaga is the real deal, but apparently she needs the fans' help to make it to the top, which is hilarious ofc, but somehow they don't see that themselves. All of that stuff would be futile if there was no competition indeed.

Fab post anyway :applause: I love your posts in general, lovely to have you here!

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Fans and media made that war between Lady Gaga and Katy Perry.They're not enemies.They are the only artists who make music for us,her fans and other people.
Media also like to pit artist aganst other artist cause they live for drama.They need GP attention.I hate them cause of that. :grr:

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6 minutes ago, Andrew Warhola said:

I agree, just wanted it to sound more controversial :sis:

lol I knew it. It's still true that our fan base like any other unholy cult needs a villain. Just like communism.:derpga:

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Andrew Warhola
3 minutes ago, Didymus said:

Fab post anyway :applause: I love your posts in general, lovely to have you here!

Right back at you :unicorn:

she's a party girl with a bad habit for drugs
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