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Have You LOST Interest in Lady Gaga?


Have You Lost Some Interest in Gaga?  

356 members have voted

  1. 1. Have You Lost Some Interest in Gaga?

    • Yeah. I just am here to talk to people
    • Ill Always Appreciate Her But Its not the same anymore
    • No. Still anticipating LG5 more than anything
    • Things feel......weird.

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The last time I was really excited was when I saw this trailer:

That clip of Gaga at the end got me so hyped for Gaga and new music! Then Hotel premiered and I didn't think it was that good.  C2C wasn't my thing and I lost interest in Gaga during that period like most.  

I mainly use GGD now for the music news and info, i rarely click on Gaga Thoughts because I don't care about debating the same topics over and over.  It's a dull time to be a fan but that'll change once LG5 drops I can guarantee.  

She used to be a lot more care free, especially in interviews, and I admired that 'I don't give a f***" attitude however the last couple years it seems she repeats the same things or has a go to word document with inspirational quotes. It is what it is.  I stan for her music, not so much her life.   

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it
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Its an interesting question for me, because I havent really been Into Gaga much after 2011. ARTPOP made me almost give up any hope for future, and so did this lounge singer cover act period. But yet Im getting more and more anxious to lg5 . so yeah there's still The interest and hope for greatness for Gaga's future. Lg5 can save ALL and make me forgive recent years. :) (talking about The quality of MUSIC and etc, don't give a rat's ass for charts and whatnot)

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I'm more interested in Gaga the "person" than Gaga the "pop star who once ruled over the music industry". In all honesty, if she never releases another pop album and becomes a full-time actress or jazz singer, I'll always be rooting for her/watching all her interviews/getting my blood pressure up when she's about to win an award/watching the Fashion Police to make sure she wins "Best Dressed". Her mini-mini-peak in late 2015/early 2016 was an absolute dream for me, with AHS on every night and Gaga winning awards/getting acclaim & news coverage left & right :gaycat:

But I will admit, I am slowly becoming less and less interested in her as a person even. Not because she's done anything wrong -- she's simply outgrown that core "Lady Gaga" persona that I fell in love with all those years ago. Now she's just really...ordinary? 

I don't know...:emma: You know what. Over the course of writing this post I've come to the realization that I have in fact lost interest in Gaga. She's just not the same anymore. That 'magic' she had during her previous eras is gone. Even her voice isn't the same anymore. And I don't resent her for that, because it would be completely selfish for me to assume that the purpose of her existence is to keep me entertained and happy. She is allowed to change as a person just like any of us are. 

So yes, I have lost interest in Gaga to some extent but it's not her fault and I'm not pressed about it -- just a little sad :(. But hey, that's life.

I'll always root for her/listen to anything she puts out (pop, jazz or otherwise)/watch anything she acts in. However I wouldn't be surprised if I've been demoted from stan to 'casual fan' this time next year :awkney:

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Some of you guys are just cry babies😔😔😔 just be patient 

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Alien Tulip

Nope. I love Gaga and I am always open to different things for her to experiment in her career HOWEVER I wish we had the album title already because I am SO SICK of the annoying "LG5" acronym :air: 

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Quite the opposite. 

She's really grown as a musician, and I'm looking forward to her new material.... :excited2:

Yes, I also do love partying in moving houses as seen in that one Bacardi tv ad.
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Born To Slay

Yes but the same thing happened before ARTPOP was released. The second the release date came out, I was super hyped and I didn't begin to lose interest again until summer 2015. I'm bored now and she's fallen to number 3 in artists I pay attention too but the second she announces a release date and begins hype, she'll jump back to the top the second it happens.

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Not really. There are a lot of things in my day that I do that keeps me busy. I listen to other artists/bands and of course, I listen to Born This Way at the gym. I do want new Gaga music but she's working on it, and I'm fine with it.

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12 hours ago, MARLON BRANDO said:

honestly yes I used to have her in a pedestal during the TF, TFM and the BTW era but after the ARTPOP era it was just not the same and the boring C2C era didn't help, I'm still here for her new music but I am no longer that (YASSSS GAGA) stan that I used to be

This 100% 


I dont even care tbh, its like meh. After ARTPOP shes not the same and shes boring, and not the same Gaga I grew up  into adulthood listening to. I feel wrong for doubting her but I don't know. Oh well nothing lasts forever lol

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Nope. I'm busy all the time. Gaga doesn't take up my time anymore, because life happened. I still listen her released albums all the time, though. I'm just waiting for the new album. 

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I used to write paragraphs in defense of her and her music, but nowadays if I see someone drag her, I don't even give a **** anymore lol. I'm on here right now cause It's raining and I'm sleeping in. Ive got too many things to see and people to do to be on here all day worried about Gaga's first week sales or whatever lmao

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Andy McQueen
12 hours ago, ReidOne said:

I'm more interested in Lady Gaga now than ever before (and I've been with her since day 1).



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