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Most critically overrated vs. most critically underrated


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21 minutes ago, Didymus said:

I don't. lol

I'm criticizing you for a very specific thing, i.e. presenting your opinion as a fact. You keep claiming we're the one misunderstanding you, but there is literally nothing to misunderstand about that OP.

Things like:

° "always a band that thinks it's saying something more than it is"
° "thinks she's got to weirdify the hell out of it"
° "raised up as if she is something more than she is"
° "constant whining about nothing"
° "critics don't know a good thing when they see it"

Come on. You don't get to play the "you don't get me!" card. Most of what you said doesn't even qualify as criticism, it's just brainless negativity that requires no effort. If you think that's empowering or a feminist statement then think again.

Besides, how do deluded arguments even qualify as expressing yourself? "One of the few decent rock bands around now", really? Really? "It's rare to find a band who still makes rock music like this". Not an opinion, just another claim to objectivity that looks embarrassing. It's that category of statements that I just cannot stand from people who treat their opinions so dearly as you do, and that's coming from someone who actually enjoys The Pretty Reckless a lot.

I've had several atrocious conversations with you that all revolved around you desperately trying to bash (the same) female artists, so that is why I'm singling you out, particularly for you bringing in feminist narratives when you're trying to aggrandize your, I'll say it again: very basic, no-effort, and biased "opinions" disguised as intellectual endeavours. Here we have it again. Constant research, oh please.

Wow, this is one of the most arrogant posts you've ever made. You sure think a lot of yourself, don't you?

For the last time: MY OPINION IS JUST THAT, IT IS NOT A FACT. I've even put it in a disclaimer in the OP now. When I have to spell it out for you and you still don't get it, you are the one with the problem. You have the right to lecture me about wilful delusion? You're just seeing what you want to see. I am screaming at you what my true intentions are but you're ignoring them because you think you're always right. If anyone's presenting their opinion as a fact, it's you!

Actually, yes, all that is criticism, or are you unaware of what the word means? Criticism isn't always nice. It can be harsh and unforgiving. And I have a right to say it. And actually, it does require effort. Effort of listening to all their albums to make sure my opinion is researched and informed and not just one album I didn't like. Effort into condensing all my feelings about them into a nutshell. Criticism is not mindless just because you personally don't like it. Seriously, who do you think you are to tell me what music I should and shouldn't like?

Expressing yourself comes in many forms. It doesn't matter if you think it's deluded, it's still an expression. You seem vastly uninformed on what these phrases mean. And yes, really, I think they're one of the few decent rock bands around now, along with Halestorm and Judas Priest, maybe AC/DC on the outside. Rock seems to fit into one of 2 categories now - bland soft rock and earsplitting metal, neither of which appeals to me. TPR give me the kind of rock music I'm looking for, so naturally, I think they're one of the few decent ones still around. And yes, their sound is very rare these days. Not many rock bands have a lead female vocalist, that in itself makes them very different.

I've had several atrocious conversations with you that all revolved around you desperately trying to bash (the same) female artists, so that is why I'm singling you out, particularly for you bringing in feminist narratives when you're trying to aggrandize your, I'll say it again: very basic, no-effort, and biased "opinions" disguised as intellectual endeavours. Here we have it again. Constant research, oh please.

I'm always bashing the same female artists because...duh, they annoy me. I don't care if they're female or not - I treat all artists equally. Feminism isn't about putting women on a pedestal and never criticising them. Sorry, I just think women are strong enough to withstand a few harsh words now and again. What, do you think different? "Basic, no-effort, biased 'opinions.'" Jesus, you really think you're something, don't you? We all have opinions, you got a problem with that? It's not the end of the world because someone doesn't have the same opinions as you. Get a life.

2 minutes ago, Drunk Poet said:

I honestly think we're twins. We have like the exact same opinions on music. Imagine we were best friends and were at each other's houses often, there'd be no arguing over what song to play haha!

I am but I'm afraid I'm straight lol. Nonetheless I love you. Haha. 

If you want to talk about music over PM, I'd be up for it, 100%. What are your favourite genres? I really want to have someone to talk to about this stuff but no one seems to want to do so intellectually. The ones who have the intellectual ability don't like me and dismiss any thoughts I have and others just want to discuss music casually and aren't interested in serious long-winded posts.

And I'm a straight girl. ;) I've noticed you said you were male and straight before, that's why I said what I did. :hor:

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5 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

If you want to talk about music over PM, I'd be up for it, 100%. What are your favourite genres? I really want to have someone to talk to about this stuff but no one seems to want to do so intellectually. The ones who have the intellectual ability don't like me and dismiss any thoughts I have and others just want to discuss music casually and aren't interested in serious long-winded posts.

And I'm a straight girl. ;) I've noticed you said you were male and straight before, that's why I said what I did. :hor:

Ohhhh, you've been listening to me. ;) hahaha

Sorry for assuming otherwise, you can't blame me on this site full of queens. (no hate, love u queens <3) 

And trust me, I understand completely. All the hate your getting right now echoes all the hate I get for my rather, uh, bold statements about music. Never mind them btw, it drove me mad to the point where I nearly missed my stop on a fifty-mile journey bus because I got so pressed lmao. 

And sure! I'll pm you right now. :) 

If you don't have shadows you're not standing in the light.
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@StrawberryBlondWell it seems we just don't "get" each other. As I said, IF its a question of personal taste then its fine, but why do you keep questioning critics about Björk or Radiohead with quite erm interesting ways? You do realise that they are acclaimed highly because their music is in many ways brilliant (in actual musical terms). Its fine IF you don't personally like them, but you have to realise that in musical sence Björk is 100 times The songwriter (even composer) compared to Lana for example. Because yes, there is (again) "better" music. IF you don't understand or like or respond to various marvellous "musical" aspects of music (I.e usage of harmonies/counter harmonies, chords, melody lining, voicing, transitions, agogy,) its fine, but letsnot pretend they don't exist. Thats The root of most of their acclaim. Im absolutely sure most on this site love Gaga and prefer her music to that of Beethoven's for instance, but you cant honestly think that Gaga is therefore musically "better" or Beethoven is overrated,right? Thats my point. There's The difference in taste v. actual (musical) critisism.

But this is not worth getting upset over. Maybe we even speak of The same thing (like I suggested in My original respons). It just that The way you write your opinions and personal taste, makes it seem like you are utterly dismissing "musicality" of music or your opinions make it seems you are clueless of it. And thats what's a bit odd, not your taste.



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7 minutes ago, Snow said:

@StrawberryBlondWell it seems we just don't "get" each other. As I said, IF its a question of personal taste then its fine, but why do you keep questioning critics about Björk or Radiohead with quite erm interesting ways? You do realise that they are acclaimed highly because their music is in many ways brilliant (in actual musical terms). Its fine IF you don't personally like them, but you have to realise that in musical sence Björk is 100 times The songwriter (even composer) compared to Lana for example. Because yes, there is (again) "better" music. IF you don't understand or like or respond to various marvellous "musical" aspects of music (I.e usage of harmonies/counter harmonies, chords, melody lining, voicing, transitions, agogy,) its fine, but letsnot pretend they don't exist. Thats The root of most of their acclaim. Im absolutely sure most on this site love Gaga and prefer her music to that of Beethoven's for instance, but you cant honestly think that Gaga is therefore musically "better" or Beethoven is overrated,right? Thats my point. There's The difference in taste v. actual (musical) critisism.

But this is not worth getting upset over. Maybe we even speak of The same thing (like I suggested in My original respons). It just that The way you write your opinions and personal taste, makes it seem like you are utterly dismissing "musicality" of music or your opinions make it seems you are clueless of it. And thats what's a bit odd, not your taste.

I do "get" you, it's just our methods are different even so. We can still understand each other, even if we don't agree. I question critics of Bjork and Radiohead because I think these artists styles are so polarising that I think it's quite unusual that so many critics would like it. Even critics can disgree and they're human just like everyone else. So, with that many agreeing (and agreeing with almost exactly the same scores) on such a polarising piece of art...it just seems a bit unrealistic. Like they feel obligated to be positive or something. And in the cases of generic artists, well, it's like they were paid to be nice. I don't think there's a rule that all critics have to agree with one another. If they all did, why would we need multiple critics? Surely just one would be enough, if they all think the same? So we must have multiple critics because the idea is to get a range of opinions. So when I just see an album where all the critics give the same score, I'm bored. When everyone thinks the same and doesn't offer up a new way of thinking, life is boring. Admittedly, yes, I am uneducated on the technical aspects of music. I'm trying to self-teach, but it's hard, especially because I can't play an instrument, so my understanding lowers. I do try to talk more technically from time to time but the situation doesn't always arise. I'm a free spirit - I just close my eyes and let the music move me. I can't always detect what instrument is making a certain sound (even I don't know what the production of Lana's music consists of - I just call it epic, classic and dreamy) and I don't even know what some of the little vocal inflections she uses are saying. But knowing the technics behind it doesn't matter to me. Her music makes me feel like I'm being taken to heaven, it sends shivers down me, it makes me cry. When music moves me like that, I don't care about the technical side. If you want to talk about the technical side, that's fine, but I'm just judging it all from the most organic, free spirited way, letting the music speak to my heart. And this is what I base my opinions on. I could never give music a positive review just because it's "technically" good. Music is designed to move the listener, so if it doesn't move me, my praise is superficial and fake and not what music is all about. The best music to me is the music that speaks to my heart. So it hurts me when people try to say my opinions are hateful or I'm uneducated or ignorant or delusional. Because music affects me so strongly and I respond to music emotionally, it's like you're tearing down a part of my being by telling me I'm not reacting to it correctly. Maybe this all seems very corny to you, but it's just how I feel. If music moves someone, good or bad, that's a good thing, a beautiful thing, and it shouldn't be questioned so aggressively.

I never dismiss musicality. I comment on production and vocals all the time. But I don't like how professionals sometimes dissect music into just its technical state, not putting emotion into it. It's so...cold. Again, not what music is about. Sounds affect people in all different ways, so there is no right and wrong way to do music. But breaking it down technically makes it all get a bit too objective. I just prefer talking about music in the most subjective way, the way it makes you feel, regardless of who's making it or what they made it with. My intentions are nothing but good, they come from a love of art. Maybe my opinions seem odd to a professional, but they're not odd to people who I talk to in real life. I review music for the people, the natural way that we look at, not how a professional sees it. After all, it's the public who buy the majority of music, not the critics. If I bought albums based completely on what critics said, I'd be disappointed 95% of the time. And I think the public is the same. So, I think a critic should say something along the lines of "music experts may love this, regular music listeners will not." I make it my duty to let regular listeners know if an album is worth their time or not. Regular listeners don't break music down intellectually like critics do, so their opinions won't translate for them. I just wish critics were a bit more "real." That they were in tune with the public more. Notice how Lana's critical reviews improved after her debut album was such a hit? The critics were mixed but the public loved it. Once the public had spoken, critics started giving her more of a chance and treated her a bit fairer. I only wish they'd go back and re-review Born To Die, without bias this time. I think that tells you that critics can be biased and fake as well (not to mention inconsistent). She's not the first artist whose scores I've seen improve once there's been public acceptance. Critics don't like to look wrong and a fool in front of the public. So they bend, they change accordingly. Again, just my opinion. Love it or hate it, I have a right to say it.

Just know that I have respect for music professionals but I also think that doesn't mean their opinion is better than anyone else's. And that they aren't perfect and can make decisions based on emotion and hype, just like everyone else. Variety is the spice of life and different opinions make music interesting. There's no need to take it all so personally when I dislike an artist you do like. Just chill out and let the music move you. If not everyone likes it, it's not the end of the world. But please don't attempt to silence anyone because their views are out of line with yours on a subjective issue. I'm proud of my opinions and don't like to feel as if I should apologise for them. As Madonna said: "I'm not your bitch, don't hang your s**t on me."

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10 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

It's not the end of the world because someone doesn't have the same opinions as you. Get a life.

No it's not at all, and when did I ever tell you what music to like and what not to like? Don't put words in my mouth please :chica: I respect your opinion perfectly, I just take issue with how you write it because it's not expressed as an opinion (again: writing Björk's supposed thought process down and criticizing her for it, even though you have no proof that's how she works, is not an opinion - how hard is that to realize?). That comment has been made so many times in this thread now, I can't believe you still don't get what we're talking about.

You already replied to my first post categorizing me as an annoying Björk fan who thought alternative music was the best (like holy ****, what an instant assumption), even though I never said so. What I meant with willful delusion is that you imagine you know the deal about artists (like, once more, you apparently having the ability to look into Björk's head and see she's just being weird for no reason) when you could easily just say you think her music is weird and you don't get what's great about it. To slam her artistic process was just too much for me, because you obviously don't know anything about that. That, and similar stuff, is literally all I'm annoyed by. I couldn't give a **** about your personal opinion, you have every right to express it. But you don't need to drag in fantasies in order to refrain from having to state it's just your personal opinion.

You've stated that plenty of times now, indeed, but you don't get the contrast between saying it was just your opinion and then having written "Björk thinks she has to weirdify the hell out of her stuff" which, again, is not an opinion :rip: But whatever, I don't want to look like I'm policing you or telling you what to say and what not to say, I was just voicing my concern and annoyance about how you present your opinions (again), never have I attacked your opinion itself (except once when you slammed Madonna and Gaga for displaying nudity in public), just the logic and the form of it. You have every right not to care about that, and it's clear by now you don't, so I guess I won't make a remark about it again.

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Overrated - Everyone popular today that kids fangirl over, that the media pays attention to, that only make headlines for everything but the music.

Underrated - Rock bands, especially those of the 80s and 90s, punk bands, metal bands, any band who doesn't get attention just because they don't look like one direction. Any band who hasn't sold out and changed their vision to become mass market. Bands who actually are bands and play instruments, compose their own music and melodies, wrote their own lyrics. Not some overrated boy groups who were put together by some record executive and handed songs purposel intended to appeal to the young girls who listen to pop and generate maximum profit for labels and are called "bands" by media and fans.

Go see A Star is Born
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grimes, m.i.a, and fka twigs are highly underrated. maybe not by indie music enthusiasts, but by society in general. these women make everything you hear, they are so involved in what they do and in the end what they make is of such high quality. 

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4 hours ago, aaronyoji said:

grimes, m.i.a, and fka twigs are highly underrated. maybe not by indie music enthusiasts, but by society in general. these women make everything you hear, they are so involved in what they do and in the end what they make is of such high quality. 

Amen. Waiting for them to take over pop music.

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On 13 May 2016 at 11:40 PM, bionic said:

Overrated: Rihanna

Underrated: Xtina

Other way around :koons: 

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Overrated: USA singers

Underrated: non-USA singers (-Adele)

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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14 minutes ago, River said:

Overrated: USA singers

Underrated: non-USA singers (-Adele)


Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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4 hours ago, Haroon said:

Other way around :koons: 

Reported. Please deal yourself 20WPs

buy bionic
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On May 13, 2016 at 5:33 PM, AJH219 said:

Overrated: Beyonce, just UGH :saladga:

Underrated: Florence and the Machine (in USA especially ) 

Best post of 2016 tbh :applause: 

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Ciccone Madonna

Underated: Katy Perry. Her goal is to make fun music and she is good at it. Dont get the bashing. Secretely all of you are dancing to Teenage Dream songs at parties.:usrs:

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