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Madonna blasts Age Gracefully group

Ciccone Madonna

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8 hours ago, Ciccone Madonna said:

it is more natural look in 2016 with little make up and to me that was the purpose exposing her age.  Although last year she looked younger.

Last year she looked radiant. That dress from last year was anything but age appropriate. It was young, the cleavage shown was perfect. Her hair was beautiful and her make up was flawless, she looked super youthful. My god even her her looked burnt and unhealthy in this years pic. The straps, the black lace, the leather and the lace cape screamed hooker, and that horrible forehead jewelry was the icing on a ridiculous cake. No one would have looked good in that horrible get up. An 18, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 year old would have looked like a hot mess.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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Madonna just accept it. Your old! Nothing wrong with it! We're all gonna have to take menopause. Now please go make some awesome music. 

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I call bullshit on it being sexism. 60 year old men don't over sexualize themselves.

Ageism, perhaps. But not sexism. 

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19 hours ago, PopBitch said:

Gosh, she looks old.  And not because she is, but because she keeps jacking her face and it's aging her.  She looks like a caricature of herself with that look and outfit..  The one reaction she doesn't want is what a lot of people had for her, pity.



2015 Met Gala - Beautiful, sexy as hell, ageless.


I was thinking exactly the same thing. I was blown away at how old she looked, considering how she looked so young in the Bitch I'm Madonna video just under a year ago. I know there's obviously photoshopping and make up involved in professional shoots and live events and so on, but still, how can she have changed this much in just one year? What has she injected into her face to change her this much? If I didn't know any better, I'd say these were 2 different people. Last year, she looked stunning and so much more naturally confident. Sure, she's showing cleavage, but it just works and everything else is pared back and subtle. She looks amazing. I remember Marilyn Manson said last year that he would fornicate with her because she was the hottest she's ever looked. With looks like these, I can see why he said it. But the Madonna of 2016...something has gone very wrong and it's sad.

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The concept Madonna is expressing I agree with wholeheartedly and I love that she is still expressing herself as she wants. 

However. The outfit did look tacky. Even if Gaga showed up wearing it I'd be like "really Gags?"

Speaking of Gaga, the outfit she had was a good example of a woman embracing her body, being edgy and sexy and a little showy, and doing it well. Had Madonna worn THAT I'd be 100% on her side here, but in reality the outfit she chose to express this sexual side of herself just looked desperate. And not desperate because of her age, but because it was poorly done. 

Like, ****. The outfit Gaga wore is one Madonna could have rocked nowadays. But instead she chose the outfit she did and acts like the only reason people are against her dressing sexy or being sexual is because of her age, which is a HUGE part of it, don't get me wrong, but in reality she expresses her sexuality more like someone in their young 20s with a lack of experiences would. 

What she says is legit and reflects someone who knows their ****, but the way she acts on it reflects someone who's new to the party. 

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Y'all hoes lucky I'm on holiday and had no time to response when this thread was popping. Get ready for my lengthy reply to all of your sexist and ageist posts in a couple of hours..;


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Ok, grandma.:toofunny:I now see how your ass is helping women all over the place who experience sexism and prejudice cause of their age. And dumb people everywhere were thinking that you're just attention whoring. We all know how 60 yo man are waving their bare asses all over the place nobody batting an eye. So bold and brave and political. My suggestion is next year show your p*ssy too to make your message even more clear.

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On 4/5/2016 at 5:39 PM, YourSweet666 said:

This could've stayed in the Madonna fanbase thread.:poot:

"I'm not afraid to pave the way for all the girls behind me‌"



Who says that Gaga would want to act and dress as Madonna in that age? 



Believe me, she will... and she willbe even more outrageous than madge is now. I'm all up for that since now! :excited2:


And that phrase she said... yes, it is pretentious, but that doesn't make it any less true!

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I'm honestly in the middle of this war right now. On one hand I understand Madonna isn't actually doing much for feminism or sexicism these days like she did back then. She seems to be pulling out these cards just to remain relevant through controversy, and it's not that it is a bad thing. She can do whatever she likes, but it doesn't mean everyone has to like her or deal with it and accept it.

I like the way she looked in the Met Gala, but I could understand some people didn't, in some pics her outfit didn't look very flattering and it is true it was a little too much over the top. It might have been offensive to the eye of some, and has nothing to do with feminism, if a guy came with a similar outfit, he'd be clacked the same way. Nor does it have to do with ageism, someone younger would've been criticized too!

What I cannot understand is how come people who stan for an artist such as Lady Gaga can be so detracting about madonna in these matters? I'm pretty sure Gaga will be doing crazier stuff at that age. Gaga gets so criticized out there for being otrageous and they believe she does just to get attention and there isn't any message behind. We love to defend her, but when it comes to Madonna, we get double standars in here.

And it is always from the same people. Well,  do appreciate those of you who blatantly accept they dislike or even hate Madonna, you're entitled to and your opinions are accepted. But just try not to fall for these double-standars here.

And honestly what's wrong with that person always low-profile hating on Madge? Get a nerve and admit it, or better yet, get a life. Something like "If this was Gaga it'd be ok, but it's Madonna and I hate her, so it's bad bad bad" would be much more appreciated than all that hypocrisy.

Makes me appreciate people like @Bitter @AgusPop @FameHookah or @Ferrer Zorola

Now, Madonna may not be pushing the envelope much now, but she did it woderfully back in the day. And the way she paved the way for other people, including the girl this site is devoted to, should be a little respected!



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Ciccone Madonna
1 minute ago, Psychedelic said:

I'm honestly in the middle of this war right now. On one hand I understand Madonna isn't actually doing much for feminism or sexicism these days like she did back then. She seems to be pulling out these cards just to remain relevant through controversy, and it's not that it is a abd thing. She can do whatever she likes, but it doesn't mean everyone has to like her or deal with it and accept it.

I like the way she looked in the Met Gala, but I could understand some people didn't, in some pics her outfit didn't look very flattering and it is true it was a little too much over the top. It might have been offensive to the eye of some, and has nothing to do with feminism, if a guy came with a similar outfit, he'd be clacked the same way. Nor does it have to do with ageism, someone younger would've been criticized too!

What I cannot understand is how come people who stan for an artist such as Lady Gaga can be so detracting about madonna in these matters? I'm pretty sure Gaga will be doing crazier stuff at that age. Gaga gets so criticized out there for being otrageous and they believe she does just to get attention and there isn't any message behind. We love to defend her, but when it comes to Madonna, we get double standars in here.

And it is always from the same people. Well,  do appreciate those of you who blatantly accept they dislike or even hate Madonna, you're entitled to and your opinions are accepted. But just try not to fall for these double-standars here.

And honestly what's wrong with that person always low-profile hating on Madge? Get a nerve and admit it, or better yet, get a life. 


Now, Madonna may not be pushing the envelope much now, but she did it woderfully back in the day. And the way she paved the way for other people, including the girl this site is devoted to, should be a little respected!



Preach !!! Well said. :hor:

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On 5/6/2016 at 4:11 PM, StrawberryBlond said:

That's the thing - men can be sexy while keeping their clothes on. Someone once said 1D are sexualised more than any girlband but because they're fully clothed, we think they're not being sexualised. Boybands are more sexual than girlbands because how they make money is by being objects of lust for straight females. But girlbands make money through being role models and like cool big sisters to other females. Yet, they're visually sexualised. Why? If their main market is straight females, why are they so sexualised?

Men don't have to put up with being sexualised in their outfits because being the most powerful gender grants them that respect. Society doesn't respect women enough to not sexualise them regardless of what they're wearing. Don't you think that's sexism? I say that if men can be sexy with their clothes on, why can't women? Point is, society wants women to be sexy, so why is conforming to what society wants from you challenging the status quo?

A lot of those scantily clad younger females look terrible too. If a young female dresses trashy, she gets called every name under the sun. People react negatively to trashy outfits on women of any age. Trashy is never a good look, regardless of age.

Well, if dressing how she wants includes getting out parts of her body that we'd prefer were kept private, that's disrespecting any onlookers. I don't mind nudity if it's appropriate and if I'm expecting it. But if I saw a naked person while walking down the street I'm disgusted because it's inappropriate and uncalled for. You're got to realise that, for good reason, we don't want to see private parts hanging out in our day to day lives. There's dressing how you want and then there's making people uncomfortable. The world doesn't revolve around how much you're in love with your naked body - you've got to respect people around you.

People criticise more than Madonna's age when it comes to her outfits. It's to do with how trashy and desperate she looks more than anything. The public will happily praise an older woman doing a classy sexuality, just as they will equally praise a young woman doing classy sexuality. Save the super raunchy stuff for the boudoir, whatever your age. Is that so difficult to understand and respect? Look at what I said in the reply above - how come men can be sexy fully-clothed but women can't? If anything, women should be pointing out this double standard by dressing as demure as the men. Wouldn't that be challenging the status quo and challenging the idea of sexuality? By wanting to prove that a fully-clothed woman can be sexy? If women want the same rights as men, how about demanding the right to be fully clothed but still sexy, just like them? But no, we just endlessly reenact the tired old cliches of "being naked makes me empowered even though I'm just doing exactly what society wants of me." And we wonder why women still aren't being respected? Men have always understood that being overtly sexual doesn't make people respect them. But a lot of women seem to think very differently. I don't know why.

i completely get your point, but unfortunately there's such a double standard here that, men who are sexualized aren't seen as less than for it the way women are, they have the privilege of being able to be both clothed and unclothed and still sexy, and still respectable. women are treated as if theyre misbehaving when they are scantily clad, or nude, or sexual, and even more so for women of color (not that im using race to disprove your ideals on feminism). so i think that's where this battle is coming from, with people like madonna and others who still want to be sexual. its not really that i think a lot of neo-feminists feel a NEED to be sexual, cuz that makes it seem like theyre going above and beyond a certain necessary status quo, its that these women want to not be seen as less than, mentally unstable (miley cyrus) or trashy (rihanna) or desperate (madonna) for doing so. 

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11 hours ago, Kayla said:

The concept Madonna is expressing I agree with wholeheartedly and I love that she is still expressing herself as she wants. 

However. The outfit did look tacky. Even if Gaga showed up wearing it I'd be like "really Gags?"

Speaking of Gaga, the outfit she had was a good example of a woman embracing her body, being edgy and sexy and a little showy, and doing it well. Had Madonna worn THAT I'd be 100% on her side here, but in reality the outfit she chose to express this sexual side of herself just looked desperate. And not desperate because of her age, but because it was poorly done. 

Like, ****. The outfit Gaga wore is one Madonna could have rocked nowadays. But instead she chose the outfit she did and acts like the only reason people are against her dressing sexy or being sexual is because of her age, which is a HUGE part of it, don't get me wrong, but in reality she expresses her sexuality more like someone in their young 20s with a lack of experiences would. 

What she says is legit and reflects someone who knows their ****, but the way she acts on it reflects someone who's new to the party. 

i think i can grasp what you mean, in short, she doesnt seem comfortable sexually expressing herself in a way that an experienced, well lived wise woman in their 50's would've felt free with their body. instead she seems to want to come across more youthful and cling to it, as a means of being sexually free. women of older ages probably feel a different sense of sexual freedom than women in their 20s. 

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I think she might be acting a bit dramatic, but she really does have a point and I'm here for her doing whatever she wants despite her age. It's not fair to her or anyone that age has to define you. I think her next album should be about that tbh 

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7 hours ago, aaronyoji said:

i think i can grasp what you mean, in short, she doesnt seem comfortable sexually expressing herself in a way that an experienced, well lived wise woman in their 50's would've felt free with their body. instead she seems to want to come across more youthful and cling to it, as a means of being sexually free. women of older ages probably feel a different sense of sexual freedom than women in their 20s. 

Hm...I don't know that Madonna isn't comfortable with it. What I mean is....I would expect Madonna's representation of sexuality to be more refined. And by "refined" I do not mean "more subtle," I mean more reflective of her legacy and experiences. 

Like these pictures: All 3 looks are totally fine, but one photo does show someone who's more refined with the goth look, right? 



Again- I'm not saying any look is less valid or less 'mature,' I'm pointing out that one does seem more "goth" from a high fashion and experienced styling aspect while the others very much just hits all the basics of what's typical for the genre/style. 

When it comes to Madonna's outfit at the Met, it looked more like someone checking off the boxes for representing sexuality in an edgy way. 
Black? Check.
Lace? Check.
Gloves? Check.
Thigh-high boots? Check.
Leather/Vinyl? Check.
Nipple tape? Check.
The only checkbox she missed was red fingernails.

The styles Madonna wore in the past to show the concept of expressing your confidence/sexuality and outfits the younger stars wear nowadays actually would look good on Madonna and would allow her to successfully give a big F U to the people who act like she can't be openly sexual because she's "too old."
But instead her style ends up looking like a newbie trying to make a statement, and that's where it falls short.

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