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Who is a bigger Superstar? Gaga or Beyonce?


Who is the bigger Superstar?  

340 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the bigger Superstar?

    • Lady Gaga
    • Beyonce

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they're both insanely talented, and of course - i am in love with Gaga - but i think Beyonce is clearly the bigger superstar. she has managed to do what no other pop star has been able to pull off: 

> continue to put out new music consistently
> completely blow everyone away each time
> her vocals are amazing
> she's a ****ing incredible performer
> she's insanely hot, her body is incredible. 
> her music gets progressively more and more authentic, soulful and creative - which is GREAT!!!!! (but she's not doing it in a super egotistical ARTPOP way.) 
> she's been doing it for a way longer period of time. 

Anyway, I am still way more attracted to the essence of Gaga, but nobody can deny that Beyonce is on another level. 

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9 minutes ago, Didymus said:

Who the **** cares about any of that, you're not even from the US, neither am I, and there's no way you checked everyone's profile in here to make sure there was a US majority in here :rip: You were talking about this thread and the specific praise we were giving which didn't even ****ing have anything to do with more than the superiority of her sales and her dancing :poot: Didn't know those two topics were intertwined with black culture.

It isn't odd because I explained exactly why I responded the way I did: I thought you were being dismissive of Beyoncé, her fans, this thread and being borderline racist. I already said it was possible you really mean what you're saying now (which, if I may, can be translated as: "I didn't give a **** about what this thread is about, I just posted something random about what I thought about gay people and their appreciation of Beyoncé" - the randomness of which only justifies my original point: there's no way I would expect that from you, which is why I read more into your post than you claim there is in it now), but that I didn't really believe you, and also stated my reasons why.

Could've ended there, but you keep insisting there's nothing wrong about what you wrote and that my response was the one that's out of order. Fair enough, I don't care, I tried to explain what I thought and then I responded to an explicit question from you: "why was it wrong of me to post that" (peraphrasing). And of course, predictably, after answering that question you're now accusing me of spinning everything out of proportion and making a big deal out of it, well sorry dude, I won't reply to your questions in the future then :unicorn:

Or your comments in general :unicorn:

Are you being serious? You literally quote me unprovoked, misconstrue an innocuous statement that has no literal malevolence, talk down to me, bring up my supposed historically established intelligence and claim that I'm embarrassing myself all while failing to even make the effort to understand what I was saying before drawing out pages of text. You tell me that you expect some sort of bias when I have never conceivably demonstrated ANY bias towards or against any artist, except perhaps talking about how much I love Gaga on GGD (without arguing her star power or mentioning it in comparison to Beyonce) or having Amy from Evanescence on my avatar.

Now you're not even bothering to argue the merits of my statement, resorting to defending your own point which I never even attacked to begin with, and STILL continuing to bash me for having an opinion that does not in any shape or form mock Beyonce but rather praises her for being a powerful and fierce representation of a historically disenfranchised minority.

Then you have the ****ing gall to accuse ME of being aggressive when I've been on the defensive stance this entire time, not even throwing out any opinion towards Beyonce, all the while making the implication that I am being too aggressive to ever reply to in the future as if I'm sitting here waiting for you to reply to me.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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2 minutes ago, teo said:

Yeah this thread is kind of pointless. Like if they both released albums at the same time it would make more sense to compare them like this, even thought it'll still be unnecessary.

We don't even know if LG5 will be successful :emma:

What if it flops harder than Rebel Heart?

:tea: this is the best day for me so far

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Varo Yan


But in this moment Gaga loses her popularity, I hope near some weeks after shell back her throne

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11 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

Are you being serious? You literally quote me unprovoked

I already explained you why I replied. Many times. If that's not good enough for you, well, fine, but what's the point of going on and on about something that I already admitted was (possibly) bad reading on my part? :rip:

11 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

while failing to even make the effort to understand what I was saying before drawing out pages of text.

Erm.. no, I made an effort. And I did try to understand what you were saying, otherwise I wouldn't even have bothered to state that I might have been wrong. But in the end, you literally said you just posted your opinion without the thread subject in mind, so.. face it, there wasn't a big cultural statement behind what you wrote. It's only coming out now because I thought it was ill intended towards us and Beyoncé and you had to explain yourself to me.

11 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

Now you're not even bothering to argue the merits of my statement, resorting to defending your own point which I never even attacked to begin with

Well, my point was that you were off-topic (which you admitted) and came off as disrespectful and borderline racist. You did attack that point, I don't mind though, but you did. If you don't remember that, maybe check the first part of your own post just now :rip:

11 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

STILL continuing to bash me for having an opinion that does not in any shape or form mock Beyonce but rather praises her for being a powerful and fierce representation of a historically disenfranchised minority.

Bash you? :air: Nope. And come on, that original post was not praise. Sure, it might not have been intended as shade towards her, but on the other hand you weren't writing about what made Beyoncé a powerful and fierce representation of a historically disenfranchised minority and I still would like you to explain me, considering your vitriol here, how I could even have known all that layering was in there :rip:

11 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

Then you have the ****ing gall to accuse ME of being aggressive when I've been on the defensive stance this entire time, not even throwing out any opinion towards Beyonce, all the while making the implication that I am being too aggressive to ever reply to in the future as if I'm sitting here waiting for you to reply to me.

I didn't accuse you of being aggressive. I just told you what happened: you accused me of turning this thing into something bigger than it is while I was actually answering a question you asked me. I've noticed that dynamic in other threads (you ask for something, I reply and then you start criticizing my arguments even though they're not connected to what I was originally saying: in this case, that I might have read your post wrong, but that, in my opinion, the post was so vague and unclear that I couldn't have read it any other way).

And yeah.. well, when you're explaining to someone why you were out of line and how that possibly could have come about (a misleadingly vague, off-topic post) and you get yelled at constantly and accused of turning a harmless sentence (which I think more than one person would agree could easily be read as shade) into something huge, which I already admitted I possibly did in my first post, that does come across as aggressive :flop:

I mean.. I have no problem with you. If you didn't mean anything bad with that post, fine, I accept that, but on the other hand, I thought there was more than reason enough for me to read negativity in there and I showed you how and you have singularly dismissed that explanation without even trying to give counterarguments. I just should have read it the other way, the way you meant it. Well, sorry, but that's not how communication works.

So.. yeah. Sorry for responding to what I thought was a disrespectful, racist comment, but I'm not sorry for implying you were being too aggressive for not simply acknowledging that your post could've been read in problematic ways, especially when it was, as you yourself admitted, off-topic :madge:

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3 minutes ago, Prince Bananas said:

We don't even know if LG5 will be successful :emma:

What if it flops harder than Rebel Heart?

:tea: this is the best day for me so far

That's my point you can't really ask who's the biggest star when Gaga doesn't have an album while in the meantime Beyonce had two big albums.:derpga: In pop culture what's current is always the biggest. Like for example you mentioned RH, so would you say that Madonna is a bigger star than Beyonce right now? Of course not even if she's named the biggest female entertainer of all time. 

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6 minutes ago, Didymus said:


Why am I required to write a thesis about the intersection of LGBT and African American cultures if I wish to write an innocuous statement about it?

In any case, it's all good. If I may make a suggestion, while I appreciate how highly you view my intelligence given your stated expectations and second-hand embarassment, perhaps you could refrain from bringing it up every time you wish to quote me.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Just now, LebaneseDude said:

Why am I required to write a thesis about the intersection of LGBT and African American cultures if I wish to write an innocuous statement about it?

Because that innocuous statement was inserted in an entirely unrelated context :chica: Esp. in a context where there's a competition going on between someone and this forum's hero, Lady Gaga. Let's face it, any comment you make about Beyoncé that's not "I think she's a bigger superstar" is going to be read first and foremost as shade towards her or the people supporting her.

But I should've just asked you what you meant before slamming you, absolutely.

3 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

In any case, it's all good. If I may make a suggestion, while I appreciate how highly you view my intelligence, perhaps you could refrain from bringing it up every time you wish to quote me.

I don't get that though, when did I bring that up except this once?

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1 minute ago, Didymus said:

Because that innocuous statement was inserted in an entirely unrelated context :chica: Esp. in a context where there's a competition going on between someone and this forum's hero, Lady Gaga. Let's face it, any comment you make about Beyoncé that's not "I think she's a bigger superstar" is going to be read first and foremost as shade towards her or the people supporting her.

But I should've just asked you what you meant before slamming you, absolutely.

Fine. I see your point. I'm glad you agree with mine too.

2 minutes ago, Didymus said:

I don't get that though, when did I bring that up except this once?

This is probably the third or fourth time if I remember correctly. The last time was quite recent. It was during the exchange we had regarding historical consequences of instability.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Just now, LebaneseDude said:

This is probably the third or fourth time if I remember correctly. The last time was quite recent. It was during the exchange we had regarding historical consequences of instability.

Well, I won't do it again but on the other hand, I do remember that my last post in that exchange listed all the comments you made about my intelligence, so.. I'm not asking you to refrain from that because frankly I don't care, it's a dumb argument to use anyway (incl. on my part) but I still wanted to clarify that.


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2 minutes ago, Didymus said:

Well, I won't do it again but on the other hand, I do remember that my last post in that exchange listed all the comments you made about my intelligence, so.. I'm not asking you to refrain from that because frankly I don't care, it's a dumb argument to use anyway (incl. on my part) but I still wanted to clarify that.


They were comments about your current opinion and its logical consistency or your knowledge about the subject matter, not your intelligence or your capacity to understand.

And I'm glad you agree. 

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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1 minute ago, Didymus said:

Well, I won't do it again but on the other hand, I do remember that my last post in that exchange listed all the comments you made about my intelligence, so.. I'm not asking you to refrain from that because frankly I don't care, it's a dumb argument to use anyway (incl. on my part) but I still wanted to clarify that.


people are used to your kind of detracting on an online forum but I hope you know just how annoying and extra that would make you in real life.

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3 minutes ago, LebaneseDude said:

They were comments about your current opinion and its logical consistency or your knowledge about the subject matter, not your intelligence or your capacity to understand.

Well, to be frank, that's not very different from what I did. I never made a pass at your intelligence or capacity to understand. I took a cheap shot at you presenting yourself as "intellectually capable" (cue you dismissing my logic and what not in previous exchanges) in contrast to the very specific post in front of me. Just a thought.

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This thread turned so dramatic, so silly.  :laughga:

I'm suprised at the amount of people who think Gaga is bigger/popular.  As I said before Gaga is a better superstar because she is more involved artistically however Beyonce is a force and she typically is a lot easier to digest than Gaga, she has more appeal to the average consumer than the 'girl who wore that meat dress'. 

I'm not saying sales equate to stardom but Beyonce has become apart of pop culture in every sense, people don't say they want to be Gaga when they grow up, they say Beyonce.  Whilst I don't believe all the praise is justified I won't deny that Beyonce is the bigger superstar.  The argument of 'it would have been different in 2009' isn't really a talking point as she was new,  she was the latest 'It Girl' and she completely changed the playing field. She rose to meteoric success however Beyonce has been able to maintain that stardom for two decades.

It's definitely an unfair comparison as Beyonce has been able to build on her success for twice the length Gaga has. 

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