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Why would Gaga support Hillary?


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Just now, Britney Spears said:

I don't see anything about "in the same positions"? 

It's a FACT that women tend to work LESS hours and have "lower" jobs...And this is based on STATISTICS.. :huh:

Refer to my response to another poster.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Just now, Britney Spears said:


Previous page.

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Fiona Apple
1 minute ago, LebaneseDude said:

Previous page.


"I'd be careful. You're making the unfortunate implication that all women are fast food workers and all men are doctors. In that case you enter another discussion about women and hiring policies, which is another facet of the pay gap issue. It's not just about yearly-earnings. It's a whole set of issues which translate to pay gaps between men and women in general.

There was a recent discussion at MIT where they elaborated on the need to employ more women in jobs that are dominated by men for no reason. Software development is one such field, and they're making efforts to encourage women to pursue those degrees."

This is mostly bs.. It's a FACT that women have lower jobs not because they don't "hire" them for high positions but because a HUGE percentage of women care more about making a family (that's a biological need for them too) so they simply find a job at mcdonalds or smth to be able to pay rents,foods etc. but they don't try to have a career.

" The issue is that it doesn't translate to yearly earnings. Women tend to work for less hours per week in the same positions. Also around their 30's, women tend to stop getting pay increases due to the inability to maintain constant work times. One such reason is pregnancy or child rearing. USA is one of the only countries without guaranteed paid maternity leave.They have to stop working without pay. Men don't face such issues."

This is simply business.. It's not fair maybe..But it can NOT work otherwise..Many companies etc. don't want to pay women when they know that they're gonna have 2-3 children and they're gonna get paid for 3 years without workin at all.. That might not be "nice".. But it's not "sexism"..It's simple logic.

Also I don't know where you got that "92%" percentage...Women get paid EXACTLY THE SAME as men when they work for the same hours.And this is a fact..And you should be more careful with your sources and words that you use..You tried to make me look like an "idiot" and "ridiculous" in your previous post..But it looks like you are the clueless one :p 


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16 minutes ago, Britney Spears said:


This is mostly bs.. It's a FACT that women have lower jobs not because they don't "hire" them for high positions but because a HUGE percentage of women care more about making a family (that's a biological need for them too) so they simply find a job at mcdonalds or smth to be able to pay rents,foods etc. but they don't try to have a career.


:air: LOL k not bothering with this infallible sexist logic.

16 minutes ago, Britney Spears said:


This is simply business.. It's not fair maybe..But it can NOT work otherwise..Many companies etc. don't want to pay women when they know that they're gonna have 2-3 children and they're gonna get paid for 3 years without workin at all.. That might not be "nice".. But it's not "sexism"..It's simple logic.

3 years? :air: Most companies don't even give them a week off, forcing them to resign or go part-time.

It's not "simply" business. It's discrimination. 

Would you not call it discrimination to refuse to hire Muslims because of their potential need to go to prayer at certain hours? 

16 minutes ago, Britney Spears said:


Also I don't know where you got that "92%" percentage...Women get paid EXACTLY THE SAME as men when they work for the same hours.And this is a fact..And you should be more careful with your sources and words that you use..You tried to make me look like an "idiot" and "ridiculous" in your previous post..But it looks like you are the clueless one :p 



Straight from the US Department of Labor. Those are not all professions and the gap decreases when you look at jobs that require degrees so the % goes up.

It's funny you're asking me to prove my case whereas you provide literally nothing on your part.

I never claimed you're an idiot though. I'm above that. You though are pretty clueless about this particular topic.


Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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In any case make a thread about the pay gap and we'll discuss it there. 

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Wasn't Hillary governor of New York? Also, she probably just likes her and supports a woman running for president. At least she voted...

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1 hour ago, brendablethyn said:

Bernie is a socialist but what is Hillary? A few years ago she said the TPP was the gold standard, now she has disavowed it. How do you know what kind of President she will be and her positions on things when they always change?

I see Hillary as a moderate to left leaning Democrat.   She has a lot of experience and has seen the white house operations from the Executive branch .... Also, her policies shift with the intent of negotiating with 'everyone' and not just to get the Liberal agenda.  Most of the attacks on her right now are for things that won't affect her ability to run the executive branch either.   Obama has admitted that the Bengazi episode was a horrible mistake which means that a similar circumstance in the future would be handled better.  

Bernie seems to be sincere, and his ideas would help some people.   But his economic policies aren't realistic and would greatly increase the tax burden on 'everyone' ...

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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Fiona Apple
1 hour ago, LebaneseDude said:

:air: LOL k not bothering with this infallible sexist logic.

3 years? :air: Most companies don't even give them a week off, forcing them to resign or go part-time.

It's not "simply" business. It's discrimination. 

Would you not call it discrimination to refuse to hire Muslims because of their potential need to go to prayer at certain hours? 


Straight from the US Department of Labor. Those are not all professions and the gap decreases when you look at jobs that require degrees so the % goes up.

It's funny you're asking me to prove my case whereas you provide literally nothing on your part.

I never claimed you're an idiot though. I'm above that. You though are pretty clueless about this particular topic.


Lol your comments really don't make ANY sense

1)It's not a sexist logic :awkney: It's simple logic..I HATE how people like to put the word "sexism" everywhere nowadays..The 2 genders might be EQUAL but they are not the SAME. :emma:

2)It's not discrimination.JESUS.. They actually put women to sign that they will not have babies as long as they work on the company..A company simply cares for the PROFITS.. So it's obvious that it will work like that... It has NOTHING to do with sexism and descrimination 

3)Really? :awkney: I doubt that Muslims in America leave their jobs to go to pray..

4) 1)the link is 7 years old. 2)Because you like posting "links" to prove that you know stuff.. Watch these and then have an opinion :) http://time.com/3222543/5-feminist-myths-that-will-not-die/ http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/harvard-prof.-takes-down-gender-wage-gap-myth/article/2580405

And MANY other links.. There are MANY economic professors that have PROVED that the wage gap is FAKE af.. So again you failed... :) 

5)No you are not above that. Watch your first post.It's FULL of irony (and ignorance)

6)And also NEVER forget that women almost always take the children after a divorce/they get paid after the divorce.. So stop with the inequality bs

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1 hour ago, Woolfsmck said:

I see Hillary as a moderate to left leaning Democrat.   She has a lot of experience and has seen the white house operations from the Executive branch .... Also, her policies shift with the intent of negotiating with 'everyone' and not just to get the Liberal agenda.  Most of the attacks on her right now are for things that won't affect her ability to run the executive branch either.   Obama has admitted that the Bengazi episode was a horrible mistake which means that a similar circumstance in the future would be handled better.  

Bernie seems to be sincere, and his ideas would help some people.   But his economic policies aren't realistic and would greatly increase the tax burden on 'everyone' ...

I do think she suffers from hubris from being in power too long. Like the email issues, denying she did anything wrong for 6 months, and finally apologizing after her trust numbers had plummeted, and once she apologized the issue pretty much disappeared. She always gets defensive and fights, like when she said angrily "what difference does it make!" over Benghazi, and the GOP has used that clip for years. I hope as President she doesn't "fight" everything, and picks her battles wisely. Or like the "vast right wing conspiracy" line from the 90's, she picks so many fights that she doesn't need to. 

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18 hours ago, littlemonsterwo said:

I may not "even politics", but at least I see through bullshit sometimes. 


Bernie Sanders - BS

Bull shît - BS

Bernie is 🐂💩


Bernie always backdown his support of gay marriage and sometimes even gay rights in election years and sometime not even in election years. Lol not giving answers on gay issues when he felt it would hinder his attempt at a re-election. 

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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3 hours ago, Goodtimes12128 said:

Wasn't Hillary governor of New York? Also, she probably just likes her and supports a woman running for president. At least she voted...

She was the senator aka representative of New York in congress :) then was tapped to be Secretary of State under Obama's presidency for a short time (position usually consists of advising the president over foreign policy etc)

Theres enough there for Gaga to support if she chooses without bringing gender into it :)


𝙸'𝚖 𝚊 𝚓𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚓𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕.
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3 hours ago, brendablethyn said:

I do think she suffers from hubris from being in power too long. Like the email issues, denying she did anything wrong for 6 months, and finally apologizing after her trust numbers had plummeted, and once she apologized the issue pretty much disappeared. She always gets defensive and fights, like when she said angrily "what difference does it make!" over Benghazi, and the GOP has used that clip for years. I hope as President she doesn't "fight" everything, and picks her battles wisely. Or like the "vast right wing conspiracy" line from the 90's, she picks so many fights that she doesn't need to. 

Fair enough...she has her faults...

None of the candidates looks to be a perfect fit to me either.  

Trump being the worst possible outcome tho...

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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4 hours ago, Britney Spears said:

Lol your comments really don't make ANY sense

1)It's not a sexist logic :awkney: It's simple logic..I HATE how people like to put the word "sexism" everywhere nowadays..The 2 genders might be EQUAL but they are not the SAME. :emma:

2)It's not discrimination.JESUS.. They actually put women to sign that they will not have babies as long as they work on the company..A company simply cares for the PROFITS.. So it's obvious that it will work like that... It has NOTHING to do with sexism and descrimination 

3)Really? :awkney: I doubt that Muslims in America leave their jobs to go to pray..

4) 1)the link is 7 years old. 2)Because you like posting "links" to prove that you know stuff.. Watch these and then have an opinion :) http://time.com/3222543/5-feminist-myths-that-will-not-die/ http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/harvard-prof.-takes-down-gender-wage-gap-myth/article/2580405

And MANY other links.. There are MANY economic professors that have PROVED that the wage gap is FAKE af.. So again you failed... :) 

5)No you are not above that. Watch your first post.It's FULL of irony (and ignorance)

6)And also NEVER forget that women almost always take the children after a divorce/they get paid after the divorce.. So stop with the inequality bs

But they aren't functionally equal. That's where the sexism lies :neyde: 

You cannot make people sign non-pregnancy waivers wtf :air:  Where are you getting this from?

Here's the law prohibiting it:

Workplace discrimination against pregnant women is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). This law was recently construed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark case of International Union v. Johnson Controls.217 The decision held that fetal protection policies are against federal law. More generally, the Court found that employers cannot treat women differently because they may become pregnant, nor may they treat pregnant women differently solely because of their pregnancy. Under federal law, pregnancy must be handled like any other illness or disability. This applies to medical and disability insurance, leave policies, and fitness-for-work decisions. As with the ADA, the employer's only appropriate criterion is whether the pregnancy affects the woman's ability to do the job.

The issue is that many companies limit the number of women they hire to bypass that. It's incredibly inane.

Like honestly this one sentence of yours discredits any credibility you have. Are you just pulling **** out of your ass?


LOL I didn't link an article. I linked statistics from the goddamn US Department of Labor. If you think wages have suddenly become equal over the course of 7 years then you are seriously deluded :air:

Did you even read the articles you linked? The first one literally has no proof and is a bunch of rambling.What are you educating me about :air: They are all opinions

The second one is hilariously dismissive and has so many assumptions...I don't even :rip: ... HE'S FROM HARVARD HE MUST BE RIGHT.

Also you don't quote one article and take it as proof either, even if it was. Don't link opinion pieces that have no basis on fact. Also research the authors before you try to link them. That one woman who rate the first article is anti-feminism to the core :rip: 

The argument for the wage gap isn't JUST about a difference in hourly rates. It's a whole slew of issues that women face that are taken into consideration, as well as forcing women to make certain life choices while men do not, most notably pregnancy and child-rearing. There's also the major issue of women not being encouraged to partake in higher-education and high-income positions. It's getting better but the inequality is still there, even culturally.

The only one being ignorant here is you. 


Not you bringing up alimonies :rip: 

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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