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European Dates going to be announced APRIL 10th - BELGIUM 29TH SEPTEMB


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La chanteuse va bien revenir. De quoi concurrencer un peu plus Madonna qui peine à remplir le stade Roi Baudouin ?

BRUXELLES Nous vous l’avions déjà glissé dans le creux de l’oreille il y a deux semaines : la tournée 2012 de Lady Gaga fera bien une escale par notre pays. Mais on ignorait jusqu’ici la date. On peut désormais vous la révéler en exclusivité : il s’agira du 29 septembre prochain !

Deux ans après être déjà passée dans notre pays avec son Monster Ball Tour, l’interprète de Poker Face sera donc de retour au Sportpaleis d’Anvers dans le cadre cette fois du Born this Way Ball Tour. Selon nos infos, le concert sera officiellement annoncé le 10 avril et les places seront mises en vente à partir du 13 avril.

Le retour chez nous de la reine de la provoc sera l’occasion d’un match à distance entre Lady Gaga et son aînée, Madonna, qui, elle, tente de remplir le stade Roi Baudouin à la mi-juillet. On écrit bien “tente†car, jusqu’ici, la Madonne n’y arrive pas ! Selon certaines sources, à peine 20.000 places ont été vendues jusqu’ici dans un stade qui peut accueillir quelque 50.000 fans ! Et les chiffres ne seraient pas meilleurs dans d’autres pays d’Europe.

Est-ce à dire qu’à 53 ans, Madonna est désormais has been ? On sera curieux de voir en combien de temps Lady Gaga remplira le Sportpaleis, même s’il est vrai que le nombre de places (15.000) est plus limité…


The official belgian news is giving the information! Gaga will be back in Belgium september 29th, and the tickets will be on sale on April 13th! The other european dates will be announced on April 10th!


Edited by Feim
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I think the title is misleading, I thought they were already released. Good for Belgium though

EDIT: Now its better with the title hehe

Edited by DiegoMonster
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OMG that would be so amazing <3 <3 <3

My exams are finished then :cry:

I know right! I was so scared she was going to come during "2de zit". I hope I can come back to Belgium though, because I'm abroad that date!

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But the title says she will be in Antwerp on the 29th.. however if you look at the shows in Asia and Australia, she's only doing big stadiums. And in Antwerp there is only the 'sportspaleis', which is not that big. I don't know, but if she'd come to Belgium, I would think she'd perform in Brussels in the 'koning Boudewijn' stadium.. So it could be fake I guess :confuse:

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I know right! I was so scared she was going to come during "2de zit". I hope I can come back to Belgium though, because I'm abroad that date!

Haha yes, I know how you feel :D First I was scared she would come in june, now I'm scared she will be here in the '2de zit' :P I have 4 exams in september :fat:

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But the title says she will be in Antwerp on the 29th.. however if you look at the shows in Asia and Australia, she's only doing big stadiums. And in Antwerp there is only the 'sportspaleis', which is not that big. I don't know, but if she'd come to Belgium, I would think she'd perform in Brussels in the 'koning Boudewijn' stadium.. So it could be fake I guess :confuse:

Well, it can still be fake. I just hope it's not during any of the exams. Maybe they don't think she can sell out Boudewijn stadium?

I have also been thinking about this, like "ugh, I hope she doesn't come to Boudewijn stadium". I prefer arena's, and I'm so used to Sportpaleis :D

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