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Gaga tweets about Sony dropping Luke


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17 minutes ago, Lance said:



she's openly discussed about how she's been raped, she was doing ANTI-RAPE commercials in high school. she's not band-wagoning ****. But you thought it was ~funny xDDDDD~ to be the first one on the page of a thread and type "Queen of _____" (like what people do in other threads) and from what I've seen, she's the only celeb giving K$ immense support (something people on here and in the LM base were originally against) 

and the only person I would think best fits the bandwagon are people like beyonce and nicki minaj. they're all dubbed feminsts solely because they're ~blaakc and empowerful~ yet haven't said **** about K$ or given her any support. reminds me of how Minaj pretended to be bi-sexual (jumping on the bi trend) to come off as edgy and cool back then.


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8 minutes ago, Sister said:

Gaga is in the know of how these people in this business work and she believes Kesha. I believe them both as well. I hope Sony drops him.

A generalization not proof


if someone said "how these gays act" ud all show up with pitch forks because of stereotyping

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As for Dr.Luke...


Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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12 minutes ago, ThomasDelGaga said:

You guys don't understand, Gaga isn't going to stop talking about this until the right thing has happened, until Kesha is free. Idk why you are saying "Hasn't she publicly supported Kesha long enough?" She isn't doing this just for the sake of publicly supporting Kesha. She is doing it because she is a survivor herself, that barely came to terms with her assault a couple years ago. She knows first hand how it feels. And she knows that victim blaming is a real thing, as well as people denying what happened to the victim. You can say innocent until proven guilty all you want, but at the end of the day when someone says they were raped we must believe them.

In terms of offering emotional and other support yes...


in terms of actual action against the alleged rapist you must have proof. The moment we just believe victims it will allow anyone who has something against someone else to claim rape


in case u didnt realise false alligations do occur. Its a very slipery slope to not seek proof before taking action


Persinally i do believe Kesha. But if by any small remote chance she was lying and oit of Public pressure Dr Luke lost his job for something he didnt do, thats terrible. At least jail time wasnt thrown at him without proof

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I'll hold him to be innocent until proven guilty- but there is no excusing his behavior in handling all this, the way he has treated Kesha and the way he treated other artists. Any decent human being would have released her from the contract a long time ago, and I am glad that Sony are effectively putting pressure on him to do so. 

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33 minutes ago, amenvodka said:

Then maybe you should start stanning for people who support rape instead.

this is why feminists arent respected in the 21st century

how childish

how can u conclude luke == rape?

Farrah abraham accused an uber driver of rape (google it) last week, and then denied it a few days later? should we believe her words immediately and grab pitchforks against uber..

No, we dont, we offer emotional support to the victim and tell them its not their fault and encourage the law to take its course, thats what should happen in a civilised society..

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11 minutes ago, Economy said:

In terms of offering emotional and other support yes...


in terms of actual action against the alleged rapist you must have proof. The moment we just believe victims it will allow anyone who has something against someone else to claim rape


in case u didnt realise false alligations do occur. Its a very slipery slope to not seek proof before taking action


Persinally i do believe Kesha. But if by any small remote chance she was lying and oit of Public pressure Dr Luke lost his job for something he didnt do, thats terrible. At least jail time wasnt thrown at him without proof

Kesha never even asked for this though. She just wanted out of her contract with her abuser and HE was the one fighting back so strongly to keep her in it. She didn't even want to be dropped from Sony, just to not be involved with him anymore. The sexual abuse is obviously the most messed up thing in this whole situation, but that's just one part of how cruel he has been to her. He shouldn't have forced her to remain under his control for all of these years. Blocking her from working in any way or even receiving her royalties income. Rape or not the man is a scumbag, and maybe Sony have finally realised that a person like that is not worth standing by anymore.

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There is something we do not know. 

Gaga would not be stupid enough to label him a rapist, but he turns out to be innocent. Gaga would never do that, she genuinely believes Kesha and is standing by her through thick and thin.

My guess is that Kesha has went through detail by detail of her ordeal with Gaga, showing her proof that he did in fact do what he did. 

Good riddance to him.

In my messy era.
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The rape apologists in this thread..... :wtf:

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Why are so many of you against her supporting Ke$ha publicly? Of course she's going to support her, she is a survivor herself and she is standing up for what she believes in. She is using her influence as a celebrity to draw attention to a topic that is never talked about. She wants people to be able to be open about their experiences.

Also **** this whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing. Google any sexual assault statistics and you will find that the numbers prove it is highly unlikely Ke$ha is lying. Not to mention, Gaga knows way more about the situation than we do. I highly doubt she'd be supporting Ke$ha if she were lying.

Rape happens more often than you think and if you wanna sit here and say Dr. Luke is innocent because he has yet to be proven guilty than maybe you should crawl out from under your rock and start living in the real world and not your fun fantasy world.

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It's one thing for Lady Gaga to offer her emotional support, but to actively promote an action to be taken against someone who has NOT been convicted -- while continuing to maintain friendships with men (COUGHTerryRichardsonandRKellyCOUGH) who have evidence against them of committing the very same accusations as Dr. Luke -- is ridiculous and two-faced.

You can't choose your battles. Why isn't she standing up for the numerous models that claimed sexual abuse against Terry Richardson? Or to the critics who blasted her for the DWUW video stills? I realize she's not perfect, but to take such a strong stance against the subject now while choosing to ignore the actions of her very own "friends" is boggling to me. I mean really? How is this NOT bandwagoning at a time that she just so happens to have a single out to bring awareness to rape victims? I thought the whole movement was to show our support to those who claim abuse - not to play judge against the accused :/



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30 minutes ago, Harry said:

Kesha never even asked for this though. She just wanted out of her contract with her abuser and HE was the one fighting back so strongly to keep her in it. She didn't even want to be dropped from Sony, just to not be involved with him anymore. The sexual abuse is obviously the most messed up thing in this whole situation, but that's just one part of how cruel he has been to her. He shouldn't have forced her to remain under his control for all of these years. Blocking her from working in any way or even receiving her royalties income. Rape or not the man is a scumbag, and maybe Sony have finally realised that a person like that is not worth standing by anymore.

Im not talking about what Kesha wanted that wasnt my point


i was talking about what the person said.


Proof is necessairy to convict someone period. U cant out of emotion start to ignore the fundamental law of "innocent till proven guilty"


its not that i dont believe Kesha. But im bot so 100% sure shes telling the truth that id bet my life on it either. I was not there and have to go by what i hear from her and media


nothing we heard is proof and everyone is trying to boycott him in the name of rape without real proof


As far as him acting like an ass forcing her to work with him when she disnt want to, thats another story. Apparently few artists like the guy.

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1 hour ago, gagaboy94 said:

i really dont like her behaviour, what if luke's innocent? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty...

I agree she had every right to support kesha and believe her, but she shouldnt say anything against luke at this point

having every other celebrity say they dont like you and that you are a sketchy guy does say a lot tho

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13 minutes ago, Mich said:

It's one thing for Lady Gaga to offer her emotional support, but to actively promote an action to be taken against someone who has NOT been convicted -- while continuing to maintain friendships with men (COUGHTerryRichardsonandRKellyCOUGH) who have evidence against them of committing the very same accusations as Dr. Luke -- is ridiculous and two-faced.

You can't choose your battles. Why isn't she standing up for the numerous models that claimed sexual abuse against Terry Richardson? Or to the critics who blasted her for the DWUW video stills? I realize she's not perfect, but to take such a strong stance against the subject now while choosing to ignore the actions of her very own "friends" is boggling to me. I mean really? How is this NOT bandwagoning at a time that she just so happens to have a single out to bring awareness to rape victims? I thought the whole movement was to show our support to those who claim abuse - not to play judge against the accused :/



we dont know is she still has contacts with R.Kelly or Terry anymore. both have been gone since the beginning of ARTPOP, and we cant possibly know where Gaga´s relationship with these two men stand. maybe she realized she made a mistake and doesnt talk to them anymore, or maybe she thinks they are innocent. just cause you support one rape case it doesnt mean you have to support all of them. Dr luck has a lot of evidence agains him and she obviously knows more than the media etc etc etc. and anyway, its her standing for kesha not you or me

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