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Lena Dunham gets called out for lying


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This is how ridiculous the concept of body shaming, has got folks. Where we assume that every publication must have automatically photoshopped every picture to hell and back to make it look slimmer because we're repeatedly told "no real woman looks like that." Now we can't even see when a picture blatantly ISN'T slimmed down. In reality, more and more publications are easing back on the photoshop what with new laws coming in that calls for there to be be disclaimers stating that the images have been altered. I wondered what on earth Lena was going on about at first because I thought the picture looked like a good representation of her size and being in her own body, she should have realised this too! Considering that Lena has lost some weight recently, I'm surprised she genuinely thought she was bigger than what that picture showed. She can't be as secure with her weight as she claims, then.

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1 hour ago, amenvodka said:




My gif is spreading 9424198.gif

But wow, she has to lie to start controversy :air:

One Banned Boi
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Rolodex of Hate

I don't know anything about her, but I kinda feel like even before she saw the cover, she knew that her statement was going to be 'this is not the real me/I'm not beautiful/I'm just your average woman' to become more likeable, and it obviously backfired lel

We have no legal choice but to stan
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i don't think I've ever read an anything about her where I don't end up completely annoyed by the end...

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I don't understand the OP can someone explain to me :rip: 

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