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Katy's tweet about blasphemy in 2010


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1 hour ago, GloZell Green said:

Gaga tours always look so energetic, people are jumping and screaming, putting up their paws, etc. I haven't been to any tours so I'm not sure what it's like but I've seen videos. Gaga tours look like so much fun.

Save the best for last. I went to 2 Monster Ball 1.0 shows, 4 MB 2.0 shows, 1 BTWB, 1 ARTRAVE, (and 1 C2C) and all Gaga shows are fantastic.For a few of The Monster Balls I had seats and before/in between opening acts just walking around the arena there were so many people in costumes. The energy was fantastic, unlike any other concert I've been too. My favorite was a little old lady in a wheelchair sneaking a picture of me in my bleeding VMA paparazzi inspired costume, I went over to her and she said "you look fabulous" and I said well that makes two of us so let's take a picture to remember this.

Haven't experienced that at a KP show. We did make felt cupcakes for a Teenaged Dream show and glued  them on a vest with tons of cute cupcake stickers, it was effortless but ppl loved it. However when ppl asked for pictures I would put tell them to put their monster paws up lol. This was before the Roar/Applause "rivalry" so it wasn't meant to be shady lol. 

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