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Wendy Williams "Rihanna will never be a legend but Beyonce will"

Alien Tulip

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Alien Tulip


You can all hate Wendy all you want but you know she is right about this one. Rihanna has a lot of number ones singles but what do number one singles really mean? She beat out Michael Jackson, Madonna, The Supremes, Whitney Houston and other legends so that's how you know number one singles lack credibility now days when you have people with no talent and the intelligence of a goldfish like Rihanna manage to get number ones singles off a loyal fan base and a samsung deal. Beyonce isn't on that list but she will be more of a legend than Rihanna because Beyonce has talent, isn't programmed like a lab rat, cultural impact, touring force, likable, and more relatable. Rihanna is cool and popular if you're 19 and want to shake your ass at the club I guess whereas Beyonce makes statements in her songs. 

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Wendy gets away with saying lots of stuff.  I think it's because everyone knows that Oprah is a Legend and Wendy never will be.  So it doesn't really matter what she says.

She does like Rhianna though, she often says nice things about Rhianna's music.  Not being a legend is hardly anything to be upset about.  :gaycat:

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Alien Tulip
Just now, LePetitMonstr said:

She will never be as big as Beyonce, but she will still be considered a legend. 

Perhaps in the future but she is still young. Who knows what will happen to her in the future? She has a number one single but she is still declining as we speak. She is performing in graveyards whereas Beyonce has sold out shows. 

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1 minute ago, Bonkers said:

Wendy gets away with saying lots of stuff.  I think it's because everyone knows that Oprah is a Legend and Wendy never will be.  So it doesn't really matter what she says.

She does like Rhianna though, she often says nice things about Rhianna's music.  Not being a legend is hardly anything to be upset about.  :gaycat:


Shameless selfpromo
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Not a legend? Yes that's true.

One of the most successfull female singers out there since 10 years and for the years to come? That's also true!

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Jesse Pinkman

Beyoncé already is a legend. Rihanna will never be a legend because she doesn't contain the impact, boldness, and hardwork that it takes to become a true legend. She's an icon, I'll give her that much. But as far as legacy is concerned, she won't be regarded as someone who added substance and innovation to the industry.

It's science, bitch
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Alien Tulip
2 minutes ago, Sky del Blue said:

Yeah, maybe, but my legend is not bey or riri it's Lady f****** Gaga

Beyonce and Lady Gaga can co exist as legends in the future. 

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Jesse Pinkman

I don't understand how people don't think that Bey is already a legend. I mean her career started over 20 years ago, and she's only getting bigger every year.

It's science, bitch
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Beyoncé IS a legend already...

No shade to Rihanna, but a good looking girl with an ok voice could become a figure like her with some investment...Beyoncé is not the kind of artist you could replace. Her charisma, her amazing vocals, her dancing skills, the stuff she stands for, all that comes from within and form a package that's hard to come by....

ATTENTION: (bad) jokes and sarcasm are still a thing, so don't take everything I say literally. Thank you.
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Alien Tulip
1 minute ago, Metamorphosis said:

Beyoncé already is a legend. Rihanna will never be a legend because she doesn't contain the impact, boldness, and hardwork that it takes to become a true legend. She's an icon, I'll give her that much. But as far as legacy is concerned, she won't be regarded as someone who added substance and innovation to the industry.

I agree. Rihanna is just a vegetable that spills out hit singles but Beyonce has always been on top of her game even at her lowest. People love to see Beyonce live because she puts on a show. Rihanna is had to postpone her tour and minimize from Stadiums to theaters and small arenas because the majority of the attendance were 400 alive people and 10,000 ghosts because people like her music but they dont care to see her twerking her bony ass for 2 hours.

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