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Losing Respect for Beyonce/Taylor


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Teri Hatcher

Who cares if Beyoncé hasn't spoken about this yet? Yes it's nice that others are supporting her but not everyone has to SHOW OFF by tweeting and donating some cash..... I'm sure she supports her privately and isn't an attention wh0re jumping on the Support Kesh bandwagon. So stop

By the time you reach the end of this sentence, it'll be too late to realize I just wasted your time with a pointless sig.
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On February 22, 2016 at 1:32 PM, River said:

Who is bashing? it's my opinion.

About gaga we can say a lot of things like why she waited too long to show support to Kesha? she knew about it since it started..

Is it true or not that she had a history with dr. luke?

And many more questions and doubts that I have about her, but the topic is not about gaga but about Beyonce and Taylor. if you can't stand other people's opinions then don't read them and comment about them, simple..

No. You said Beyoncé had men start her career. Akon gave Gaga her start as well. And it's ok to have an opinion, however, there is a difference between voicing an opinion and bashing an artist. This site uses the "my opinion" excuse to bash who ever they feel they don't like. 

May I Read You? 😎
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On February 21, 2016 at 6:59 AM, PopReaper said:

Beyoncé's account has 8 tweets and the last one is from 2013. idk why anyone would expect her to tweet something about it tbh :rip:

Obviously not an excuse, she can Instagram about it since she's pretty active there, I mean didn't gaga? 

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regardless of taylor's new donation, i still agree for both artists. particularly beyonce who seems to only be concerned lending her voice on race matters that have been long in debate before she decided to capitalize on it and remind the world she's still part black where it counts (come at me idc) so for her to remain silent on an issue that effects women in the industry to me is classless of her. especially if she's gonna be riding the feminist train with her more recent music. 

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After Taylor made that big donation, my respect for her went through the roof. But Beyonce not speaking out on the matter despite claiming to be a feminist annoys me. So many other females have spoken out about this that she doesn't have anything to lose. This only proves to me that Beyonce identifies as a feminist for marketing purposes. She has never proven that she actually knows what she's talking about. She's one of the new breeds of feminists who seem to think it's all about being sassy and looking hot. It's about so much more that she never touches on, not even when a specific case is right in front of her.

And yes, this is a general feminist issue. A case involving a woman affects all women. Opinions filter down and more judges and jury are likely to vouch for the way that the majority of the legal system is choosing to operate.

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