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Did 'Work' Grow A Lot On You?

Dangerous Man

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It's hell listening to it.  The lazy vocals and everything else is just so unappealing.  My bowel movements create better vocals.

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Yes, it did grow on me but not a lot, I still think it's a bad song and does not deserve the success. I just like the beat and Drake's part.

We have two selves. One the world needs us to be, compliant, and the shadow. Ignore it and life is forever suffering.
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1 minute ago, Kabexuela said:

It's hell listening to it.  The lazy vocals and everything else is just so unappealing.  My bowel movements create better vocals.


See talent here-->http://bit.ly/2eqeUxK
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a lot of the songs grow onto me, **** even Formation grew onto me (well, i guess it wasn't that bad to begin with) but this is just so, so disappointing of Rihanna.

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Fiona Apple

I don't hate it AS MUCH as I hated it when it was freshly released.But I still don't like it.So sad it's becoming a hit,it really doesn't deserve success

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It did actually, lol. In a purely superficial way, though.

The rest of the album is still meh for me. Especially Kiss It Better... Idkwtf you guys are talking about it being the best one on the album. 

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The instrumental is good, and I like Drake's voice, but the bla bla Rihanna talking is cringe-worthy. It's one of the songs I rarely listen to from Anti.

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I love Work, but I tend to love Goodnight Gotham and Kiss It Better too.

Promise I'll always be there. Promise I'll be the cure.
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