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LuciferGa is back


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(Sorry i couldn't write anything in the OP)

So, the conspiracy videos are back, Illuminati Queen has made her last offerring. LG5 will be massive. Prepare :rip:

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1 minute ago, AM98GJ said:

I've been enjoying these videos, love how they literally pull this **** out of their asses :toofunny:

I think he's still trying to make his theory while recording, on the spot. Such pros!!!

And that thumbnail, VersaceGa with Iggy Stardust is just wrong..

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Is everything a symbol of Satan? :toofunny: these people are so stupid :toofunny:

Look, you can see her eyes! She's obviously a pawn of Lucifer!!!!1!!1!11 :toofunny:

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Hola Soraya
6 minutes ago, Greg said:

Lucifer came through and gave us a performance that slayed!


Well Satanga did her bit :lolga:



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