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My LG5 album cover

Alphabet Boy

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Alphabet Boy

I saw that many people were publishing their concept for theĀ LG5 album and were fabulous .... so I said to myself " maybe I can do something like that " .... thenĀ I created an account on gagadaily and decided to publish my version ( I made with my iPhone ... might not be so good .... but I tried ):):):)


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those titles suck and you basically just put text over a photo

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This is greatĀ :applause:


I'm not all about the tracklist and title though.


I really hopes she does something like this for LG5

ā€œFor me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.ā€ ā€• Jean Dubuffet
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There are so many talented people on here, I wouldn't blame you if you feel intimidated. :)

As for the album, it's a nice photo you've used but I can't read the titles due to the font. I like the grey scheme, it's a classic choice, but I would like to see what you could make if you used a medium with more artistic options, such as Photoshop or Paint.net.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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5 minutes ago, hoeslay said:

This is SOOO rude and unnecessary.

To the OP - good job! Especially for it being done on an iPhone. We have a thread for these things, though:


ok did i ask he wanted opinons and i gave mine

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Just now, venusian said:

ok did i ask he wanted opinons and i gave mine

OpinionsĀ notĀ insults.

That was probably the rudest way you could give an "opinion". I'm not kidding when I say you should definitely apologize to the OP.

I don't understand pineapples, so I don't eat bananas.
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You made that just on your iPhone? That's so cool! Keep on making stuff and practising, don't listen to negative comments that are rude and have no constructive value.

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I love the details with the barcode and the Interscope text and the Parental AdvisoryĀ :applause:

I'm not so into the font, but the picture you chose as the cover slays

EDIT: Welcome to GGD btwĀ :koons:

But I'm only a man and I do what I can.
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14 minutes ago, venusian said:

those titles suck and you basically just put text over a photo

And how was this comment needed? You couldn'tĀ have given you opinon in a much nicer way? It not just putting text over a photo, he/she went though the work of creating a title, choosingĀ a font and song titles and arranging them and what not. He had to choose from the variety of photos that were in the shoot as well so i recomoend you apologize.

To the OP: dude this is awesome i love itĀ 

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14 minutes ago, venusian said:

those titles suck and you basically just put text over a photo

You seem to be confusing the meaning of giving ones opinion with insulting someone andĀ being a complete prick. Ughh.


Anyway, to the OP-


I really like what you've come up with here, nice clean cut design, wouldn't mind seeing some more ideas too. Looking goodĀ :applause:

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Dark Anatomy
19 minutes ago, venusian said:

those titles suck and you basically just put text over a photo

There's constructive criticism and then there's insults. How would you feel if someone replied to your thread with that, after workingĀ a long time to do something you deem as simple as putting "text over a photo"?Ā 

That's rude as hell bro, all you had to say was that you didn't like the title and font.Ā 

OP - I think you did an awesome job!

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17 minutes ago, venusian said:

ok did i ask he wanted opinons and i gave mine

You getta $&@;#%^* outĀ :neyde:

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31 minutes ago, venusian said:

those titles suck and you basically just put text over a photo

Who pissed in your Froot Loops?:green:

I like it. I'd love if she did a cover of Fly Me to the Moon.

And welcome to GGD. Pay no mind to our Little Hotheads.Ā 

One Banned Boi
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30 minutes ago, venusian said:

those titles suck and you basically just put text over a photo


Kevin Parker, Mac Demarco, Mark Ronson, and a stoned Lady Gaga. Need I say more?
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