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Is Gaga Causing "AHS: Hotel" To Lose Ratings?


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Nah this is a legitimate question imo. 
But I do agree with most people on here citing the decrease in the quality of the storyline as well as interesting engaging characters. 
I've said from the beginning that I don't care about these characters and that takes away a lot from the show. If you don't care if they live or die you're just subjected to tacky rape scenes and needless gore. 
I don't think Gaga herself is ruining the show, I think its the character she's playing isn't great. Partly she reflects Gaga's own persona, with the mysterious looks, air of mystery, and fashion. Her lines seem empty and too well chosen instead of actual dialogue. BUT I think that she's doing fine for what she's given and given her acting experience. 
ONE MORE THING I dunno why everyone is so obessesed with needing a coherent plot. What made asylum and murder house so great is that they either were missing proper resolution or the storyline was muddled and aimless. It gave more room for character development and well placed horror. I just like it when the shows are messier and we are encouraged not to over think it. This season is full of hint dropping and foreshadowing and its reminds me of chaffing. 

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I don't think this season is boring at all.

But you know, it's season 5. It's normal the series is not as popular as it used to be and that people are getting bored.

But it's one of the best in my opinion, and I don't think it's because of Gaga that ratings are decreasing!

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its just hit such a lull in the season where not only does not much exciting stuff happen, but not many instances to get scared or frightened or even creeped out or grossed out! 

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To answer your question: the plot is unfolding at an (intentionally) deliberate pace, and that doesn't work for everyone.

Basically, this.

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It's season 5, interest over the GP decreases each season, it's very normal. And you know same things happen with music, sales decrease because of illegal downloads.

I can't watch AHS live so I use torrents, my view doesn't count but I'm still watching the season so the ratings are not a reference

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You know what is your problem? Is that you guys give to this damn woman too much damn power!

To think the MILLION of people turned off AHS because of her is hilarious! I'm still watching this season because I hate interromping a tv series, but this is the last season I'll watch. it's atrocious and Ryan doesn't have ideas for this show anymore. 

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Omg people need to leave pop fandom for a minute and think about the real relevance it has. If anything, Gaga was a hook to watch the first episode (fans and followers would like to see her, haters and people in the middle would like to see how she acts), but nothing more than that. The normal folk around the planet will keep watching if the story catches him/her, which it doesnt seem to be doing, even for us

I mean, the Countess could be played by Angela Merkel, and Liz Taylor by Donald Trump, and the show would have the same ratings after Ep 1


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Locking this, not due to indirect grievances by the usual suspects, but due to lack of source and misleading title.

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