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Is Gaga Causing "AHS: Hotel" To Lose Ratings?


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It's a global thing that going on right now, many series lost viewers since episode one compare to the previous season(s)... so it's not Gaga's fault, not the season, it's just other reasons, mainly the streaming...

People now like to see the episode when they want and not when someone tells theme (the channel), they like to watch the whole season back-to-back without the need to wait..

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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I don't know what some of you talking about :toofunny: This season is one of the best of AHS with great storyline :bye:

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I really do not understand why some people are getting mad at the OP for making this thread? Literally all the haters are accusing Gaga for the low ratings. And compared to Freakshow these rating are LOW. It took Freakshow I think about 5-6 episodes to drop from 4 to 3 million. Meanwhile AHS: Hotel is losing viewers as the episodes air.

The OP is genuinely asking a question without being bias or rude. Y'all need to relax.

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No the show is boring as ****. I stopped watching after episode 3. Can't believe I wasted my time :saladga:

her scenes aren't even worth it. But good for her I guess

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Lion Heart



It's Gaga's curse.

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No I really don't think people would stop watching just because of Gaga :dies: I think it's just really easy for people to look at the numbers and point fingers at the newbie on the set :shrug:

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TBH I stopped watching after the second episode, but it wasn't because of Gaga. The stories just didn't resonate with me

buy bionic
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TBH I stopped watching after the second episode, but it wasn't because of Gaga. The stories just didn't resonate with me

Give the next episode or two a shot (I'm up to ep3 so I can't comment on ep4 :dies: ), it begins to fill in some holes and provides some backstory and stuff :yes: I'm sure after they've done that they'll start surging ahead with the plot :wao: 

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I think the fact that it's been four episodes and the show has hardly gone anywhere is what's causing the supposedly low ratings. Yes, things are slowly pacing through which i'm fine with as of now, but a problem with Freakshow and Coven was a lack of time management - forgetting that it is a one-season show and thus things just blow up unnecessarily at the end. I'm trusting the writers that things are gonna get going very soon - including regarding Gaga's character - she's been in every episode and given the exact same performance. Next episode seems to be very Countess based so hopefully the storyline advances to an interesting degree. 

This and this

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I thought it's normal for a show to get lower ratings as it progress. The premier always draws in a lot of people and less and less watch it as the show goes on it's always like that. It only goes back up a bit at the finale.

Plus this season is pretty boring tbh, I'm still watching just because I've already started might as well finish and also Gaga's in it. 

Cause once you let it go you better know it's gone
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How has this topic not been closed? It's so stupid, plus we already have thread for ratings talk. One person (who is not even in the show that much) is not causing the show to lose ratings, and the ratings are actually not bad, it's FX's number one show. Every show has a ratings peak and AHS's was Coven and anyone unrealistically expecting it to suddenly increase is just going to have to accept that. It's clearly not getting cancelled so anyone worried is hand wringing for no reason. 

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