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Gaga's Music isn't reflective of how weird she wants to be or thinks she is

Katsuki Bakugo

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Katsuki Bakugo

It depends on how weird she wants to be.  She had a weird persona in her early eras so she could make a connection with kids who are made to feel like freaks in HS.  She said that in an interview.  I believe that connection made kids more receptive to her positive inspirational message which she intended to make kids strong, brave, and self assured.

Of course, she is really a very traditional down-to-earth person, and who knows if weirdGa will ever reemerge. I have no idea how weird she will want her music to sound in the future.  Food for thought:  If she decides to do metal, will she put on an image like Alice Cooper or something?

Or Rob Zombie?

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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Or Rob Zombie?

Good one!  Personally, I think Vixen is way to tame for Gaga, as is glam metal in general.  I could be wrong.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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Gaga isn't weird or so different as she thinks. When i watch her latest Jimmy Fallon interview, i see a small girl which wants to be compassionate but it feels so superficial. She wants attention and wants that people view her not as a normal popstar, but her words, laugh and behaviour are exactly the same as from the others, sometimes worser. She acts like a little girl from a private school with this fake attitude. I know she is an actress, but in TFM and BTW eras she knew more what Lady Gaga is about. Now she acts and laughs like a celebrity who just want to keep her fame. 

And this little girl behaviour with "o gosh, hihihihi and fake compassionate face" is just ugghhhh - i know now what "Die Antwood" mean when they say that Gaga maybe is larger, but they are cooler. Yes, they are trash, but they  are authentic when their hearts speak. And not like Gagas private school attitude.i.

And please Gaga stop to talk about international politics, talk about thinks you understand - you are not Bowie ( he don't talks like a propaganda machine of his government )  (;

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Gaga isn't weird or so different as she thinks. When i watch her latest Jimmy Fallon interview, i see a small girl which wants to be compassionate but it feels so superficial. She wants attention and wants that people view her not as a normal popstar, but her words, laugh and behaviour are exactly the same as from the others, sometimes worser. She acts like a little girl from a private school with this fake attitude. I know she is an actress, but in TFM and BTW eras she knew more what Lady Gaga is about. Now she acts and laughs like a celebrity who just want to keep her fame. 

And this little girl behaviour with "o gosh, hihihihi and fake compassionate face" is just ugghhhh - i know now what "Die Antwood" mean when they say that Gaga maybe is larger, but they are cooler. Yes, they are trash, but they  are authentic when their hearts speak. And not like Gagas private school attitude.i.

And please Gaga stop to talk about international politics, talk about thinks you understand - you are not Bowie ( he don't talks like a propaganda machine of his government )  (;

I'm not sure how her mannerisms have changed, she seems the same to me. 

I'll agree on one thing with you though. I don't think Gaga is weird and neither does she. She said herself multiple times that she's a very traditional girl. She's just very creative, maybe more than an average person. She isn't weird, she just likes to think outside of box - sometimes she succeeds, sometimes she doesn't. 

I'm sure Gaga would love to experiment more with her music, but is bound to her contract with Interscope. For them, she's just a cow they hope to milk as long as she's successful, sadly. At the end of the day, she's a mainstream act and there's only so much space for experimentation. You can't expect her to go all Bjork on us. You have to make slow changes, but make sure music still sounds catchy and appealing. Poker Face sounded different at the time, but it still had great melody and catchy hooks. Something that made people interested. 

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I did agree with that during the TF and TFM eras. But BTW and AP were a huge step in the more uncanny direction. Those two albums smack of Gaga's musical scope and eccentricity, no one else could have possibly crafted them. 

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I think each album had some crazy imaginery in it. Of course there's a big chunk of songs which sound just basic but I feel like it is the way it should be. I think songs like Poker Face or LoveGame sound pretty crazy so I disagree her first was most basic. I'd rather direct that to BTW which is basing in everything what happened in the 80s. 

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Well, I know what MIA meant when she said that and I agree to an extent, but I don't think Gaga actually believes the music is that weird? We all know that she has never shied away from the fact that she writes big pop songs.

The only time in the six years I've been a fan where I've cringed at her describing her music was in the ARTPOP era... I feel she often tried to make that out to be more than it is. Born This Way is her most 'out there' album musically, and even though she probably came across as pretentious to non-fans during that era, I don't think she was off the mark that much.

I dunno. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel Gaga is very self-aware. She wasn't claiming during The Fame that she was making experimental avant-garde music. She was very upfront and positive about the fact that it was club-ready pop music, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Sure there are a few weirder album tracks here and there, but just because it's not generic and it's a little different, I wouldn't categorise most of her music as 'weird' tbh.

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Marina and The Diamonds teas. She said about Gaga that her weirdness doesn't transfert in her music yet. But she thinks it will :lolly:

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MIA is probs generalising gaga's entire discography on her debut album.

gaga's sound and songs evolve with each record, ARTPOP proves that.

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 She isn't weird, she just likes to think outside of box

This, exactly.  Creatively, she can even think like there is no box.  But she is very much put into a box, by her label and by her fans.  She has a big heart and wants to give her fans what they want.  Also, more popularity gives her more reach to inspire and help people, and helping people is a big part of who she is.  For example, BTW Foundation was founded because her reach could be leveraged to help people.  Those words were even used at the BTWF launch event. 

Perhaps she is secretly recording a group of songs for posterity.  The music that is inside her that her label would never allow and her fans would not like at this time.  Much art over the centuries was not liked by the public when it was created, but became masterpieces later when the tastes of the public finally caught up with those artists who were ahead of their time. 

I live outside the space time continuum.
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Mister Gaga

For being a pop star, she's experimental imo. Can you imagine Taylor/Katy/Britney pulling an ARTPOP? Pulling a Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)

Poker Face didn't sound like anything else, back in 2008/9. It was original. That word, now a days seems to be dead :deadbanana:

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Katsuki Bakugo

It's an old quote, MIA said this during The Fame Monster era.

that wasn't the question dear

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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