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Gaga talks about her music in recent Inquirer interview


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Kinda upset. Gaga is always saying nonsenses that's unbelieveble. Always saying the total inverse of what she said previously each time she speaks about her music/career. TF had dark songs, BTW was so dark, TFM was SUPPOSED (Did she lied ? If not, why bringing Bad Romance which is the Love Fear Monster track ?) to be about dark side of fame and her pain with it. Even ARTPOP had really dark songs apart from Dope that every fans like. ''My pain exploding in electronic dance music'' she didn't say ? . I'm tired of her right know. I love her so much, but with all  nonsense it's like she is always always lying to us. I'm kinda disapointed. 

One day she says she do music that she really loves without listening others (and that's why she is the pop star, and us the public if you remember that quote), the other day she says she can't do what she wants and she doesnt like that. 


In fact, she just really desn't understand what fans we really want, and why ARTPOP really ''underperformed'' at all.

Little Monster | Diamond | Cry Baby | Lana Del Rey
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Asked to describe her room in her house, Lady Gaga turned playful and quipped, “Which room? I am a gypsy, darling.” What about her closet? “I have several of those as well,” she said and then added, “What is my room? Right now, it is my script and my broken heart—that is my room.

there you go, same old gagz. :flutter: 

“I am sure you see from the other actors, performers and other people who dress up—it doesn’t feel like it does with me. Because there is something behind it. There’s a lifestyle I have been living like a glamorous groupie from the 1970s since I was 18 years old. That’s a part of me.

that's so true. 

So yes, it became a cage and I had to take it back. “But I am quite good at that and I have taken it back a few times. I have been signed and dropped, used and all of that. It hurts and I survived.

yes, you did, darling. you're a true ARTPOPist. many did and will betray you. but, as you said, you're surviver. :sara: 

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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Princess Die

It would have been nice if the app worked out. The songs released through it could have been the dark side of ARTPOP while the album version could be the sugary bops that all the six year olds teeny boppers could twerk too.

Nod if you wanna make love with the enemy. ❤
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you people overreact to everything....she didnt say she was going to go mainstream. she´s just expressing the reality. it is a fact that people prefer a light version full of colors, and she herself said its fine to like and want that and that she is more than happy creating those type of songs. (like the fame monster was darkish but colorful) but that doesnt mean she will. just because you guys know about this reality it doesnt eman gaga wont notice it either.

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Brooke Hoegan

Yea I think she just means the pain and emotion would be more filtered through an accessible/danceable pop format rather than just being pure raw pain like on Dope. On AHS  she gets to physically and emotionally let loose because she's playing a character, whereas in her music she has to be a bit more calculated and reserved to deliver something polished that people will like as opposed to just sobbing or screaming on a track.

I know but it's dangerously similiar to that point "Electronic music doesn't have soul" she was trying to overturn not too long ago. And to me her passionate, powerful vocals AND electrifying synths of Bad Romance are much more emotion-filled than her nasally growled screams on Dope.

I'm kind of tired of her changing tune about her past music once again yet still playing that "my hands are tied in and I'm artistically oppressed" card :roll:

Kinda upset. Gaga is always saying nonsenses that's unbelieveble. Always saying the total inverse of what she said previously each time she speaks about her music/career. TF had dark songs, BTW was so dark, TFM was SUPPOSED (Did she lied ? If not, why bringing Bad Romance which is the Love Monster track ?) to be about dark side of fame and her pain with it. Even ARTPOP had really dark songs apart from Dope that every fans  ''My pain exploding in electronic dance music'' she didn't say ? . I'm tired of her right know. I love her so much, but with all  nonsense it's like she is always always lying to us. I'm kinda disapointed. 

One day she says she do music that she really loves without listening others (and that's why she is the pop star, and us the public if you remember that quote), the other day she says she can't do what she wants and she doesnt like that. 


Basically this :reductive2:

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i'm hoping this doesn't mean that she's in the process of making squeaky clean pop music.

i want pop music that sounds rough around the edges and raw, i'm not here for some polished beyond belief simple beats and autotuned to death vocals. nothing would be worse than seeing her on stage singing songs she has no connection to and no feelings towards. 

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I feel like her fan base is SO large that its hard to make everyone happy. ALL. THE. TIME.

I love her for her, regardless of what she puts out. 

I only hope for shocking moments (artistically, sonically, musically) that launched her to icon status. (i.e. Sound of Music at the Oscars, Paparazzi at the Vmas, BTW at the Grammys, Meat Dress at the Vmas, Dance in the Dark opening at The Monster Ball, etc.)

In my opinion her art is best executed in the visual/theatre realm. With a great creative team, she can reinforce her brand as a pop star that pushes the envelope. Carry on :)


fav song: lady haha — no floodz ft adele
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i'm hoping this doesn't mean that she's in the process of making squeaky clean pop music.

i want pop music that sounds rough around the edges and raw, i'm not here for some polished beyond belief simple beats and autotuned to death vocals. nothing would be worse than seeing her on stage singing songs she has no connection to and no feelings towards. 

You're taking it to the extreme. She said she wasn't going to make this kind of depressing songs like dope, not that her music will be emotionless and bubblegum pop from now on

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I personally have opinions on what I'd like to see from LG5 but they're just that, opinions. I want Gaga to do whatever she wants with the new record, whether I like it or not. The bottom line is that it's her career and artistic vision. She needs to listen more to herself and less to what fans trying to manage her career have to say about the new record because stressing about what people are going to think rather than her own artistic vision is just setting herself up for ruin. You're never going to be able to please everyone and I hope she realizes that with this fan base, that's a guarantee. You do you Gags. Where you go, I'll follow. No matter what. 

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she needs to spend some more time with madonna, like really. I can see how she's getting her edge again, mostly because of AHS, but she still seems to be somewhat insecure and uncertain bout some things when it comes to music. You can see somehow critics of ARTPOP damaged her cause she may think she's not able to snatch our weaves again, while, of course she can. Just like MDNA she has to sit her ass down and just don't give a **** like she used to.

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Aga Gydal

I typically avoid posting here but I keep reading that people are upset or let down by the comments and I wanted to help "clarify." 

What she said is actually exactly what I was hoping to hear as a fan of hers, and what she's saying isn't that she doesn't want to go dark or emotional anymore, nor is she saying that people only want her to do happy songs. She's saying that if you round up all of the public's perception of her music, the types of songs that stood out most were the dancey club songs and the darker catchy material. She seems to get why ARTPOP didn't click with most people and she's right. It felt too fractured, cold and disconnected. It didn't have its hand on the pop pulse, so to speak. By "people want that perfection" she means that her performances clicked the most when she presented herself as powerful, in control, etc. And isn't she right? 

She's not really insinuating any kind of "art" sacrifice; doing what you want and doing what your buyers want is not necessarily mutually exclusive, but it is a duality you have to keep up with if you want to be successful. And Gaga does want to be on top of the world. The bull**** she spewed following ARTPOP was a great counterpoint to her naysayers, but nothing more. If she wants to retain the illusion of being a "megastar" the way she intends, then she'll need to listen to the public this time. It's not a sacrifice, it's a nuance. If she claims to be so in touch with pop culture then I'd like to see that she can still command it. And she wants to.


Really what her statement tells me is that she's aware of people's perception of her music, and that's a great first step. Whether she lets those people into her world is another thing.

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display name

While it must make her feel bad to know that so many people did not care for those of her songs that came from genuine emotion, it is good for her to be aware of what people want from her as an entertainer.

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Some artists in the past created what they felt and didn't care if anyone liked it or bought it.  They created pure art, art for art's sake.  Of course that is an artist's dream and Gaga could afford to do it, but Gaga has a big heart.  She wants to bring inspiration and joy to people through her music, and therefore wants to create music people like.  And she doesn't want to hurt the many people who financially depend on her music selling well.

Personally, I would love for her to create what's in her creative heart, and let the chips fall where they may.  But those who are saying they just want her to produce anything would be the first to complain if they didn't like it.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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Where's the old Gaga that used to tell to never be influenced by others? 


To be honest I do miss TFM, a lot. And I wouldn't mind at all having a second album like that. But in the same time I don't want Gaga to make music for the charts or because  that's what she thinks we want. What we want is real music! And we want HER to decide what it will be. 


That's my opinion

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