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If Gaga's acting in AHS is lackluster, let's not be delusional.


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Let me be clear: I don't have a solid opinion on Gaga's acting career, or have any reason to believe it is lackluster. This is just a hypothetical for AHS and future events/albums.

AGAIN!: I'm not bashing Gaga in any way, shape, or form.

      I'm a huge fan of Gaga's music, her music videos, everything Gaga. Hell, I'm on a Gaga forum like 200% of the time. But their is something about fan bases in general that happens when an artist from one genre (lets use genre as a metaphor for the entertainment business sectors) to another (acting in this case, from music), and it has to do with a term used all the damn time. DELUSION.

     It's very common for fans of a star to become so wrapped up in their past, in their other talents, to see through it all and be honest. I will admit that I share in this dishonesty from time to time, but I attempt to take everything with a different spin, as to somehow divulge from this narrow view we sometimes experience. I understand that many in the community like to think Gaga is some super-human goddess, but in reality, she's just a very talented girl from New York. 

     I only bring this up because I wondered how Ariana's fans were taking the news about Scream Queens not going over well with the audience. I'm sure the acting in the show was on point, but the writing for the show was seen as too sarcastic/cheesy for TV. Most of the boards I looked at on the subject were completely oblivious, some even went on to say how AHS should 'take notes.' :sweat:  I would hate to be dissapointed by Gaga, or the show in general, and come to GGD only to see that everyone thought it was 'the best show ever aired in the history of television'. I mean, I know people have different opinions, and that's fine, but you can feel denial through a post.

     So, if AHS isn't all its hyped up to be (specifically for Gaga's acting) lets not make up excuses or pretend like its something its not. Let's be more than just a echo of masses, and responsibility for our grip of reality. I'm not saying that Gaga's part won't be incredible. Again, AHS hasn't even aired yet. But let's take this opportunity, the calm before the storm, and clear our minds of expectations. Everything doesn't have to be perfect, and this also applies to our queen, Lady Gaga. 

tl;dr Gaga is human, she might not be Oscar ready, and if she isn't, don't pretend that she is!

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nice op

but if her acting sucks and  someone points it out people here will attack them 

we all know its going to happen 


im not expecting amazing acting but i really want it to be okay and not complete trash 

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Good points :yes: 

I don't have any expectations of her acting ability as we really haven't seen her properly act before. I honestly don't know what to expect, good or bad. The high profile actors/actresses on set love her and Ryan himself says she's brilliant. If we have anything to go off, it's that.

I completely agree with you though. 


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Brooke Hoegan

People here are childish and cannot be unbiased towards Gaga most of the time

I'm a huge fan / stan of her, but I can see when she fuccks up and I never try to say she did good when she in fact didn't

I hope Gaga delivers decent acting but if she doesn't I'm not gonna pretend everything is ok

But fans here will roast anybody who'll try to criticize her, no matter if the critique will be earned or not

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Diamond Heart

'tl;dr Gaga is human, she might not be Oscar ready, and if she isn't, don't pretend that she is!'

Does it really matter though? like who cares if the members of a GAGA fansite want to gush about her even when she might not deserve it. I mean if you wanna have a proper serious conversation about acting then i getcha, open a 'serious' thread and discuss it,  but be prepared for all the 'YASSS GAGA YOU SLAYED' 'BETTER THAN JESSICA' etc stuff on here. Its only natural being on a fansite dedicated to her. Whenever a stans fave does something, they get excited about it and go crazy, its not just gaga stans lol

Tbh i dont think Gaga will blow me away acting wise, but im not gonna get annoyed or irritated by people on here that do. If i wanted to seriously discuss Gaga's acting skills, im not gonna do it on a biased fansite. 


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Fiona Apple

I agree but I think that she will be great. Also I know that a lot of people here will say that she is bad even if she does well

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Brooke Candy

The thing is, there is no IF. Gaga WILL be incredible. Her acting WILL slay Our lifes. Period.

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I completely agree... it's best to not be delusional and just admit what's right, but we won't find out until Hotel airs officially. 

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I agree, but I'd also hope people are not too critical. I wouldn't be surprised if critics are hard on her, it's not an easy thing to go from popstar to actor. Not many can make the leap successfully.

I think, strangely enough, there are also some users who can become overly critical in an attempt to compensate. They don't want to be 'delusional' so they compensate by nitpicking and focusing on the negatives.

I think the best approach is to come at it with an open mind. I'll admit that I am a little nervous and sceptical, but I'm hoping that she will be able to knock it out the park.

Hopefully it's a good script and an interesting story, because that can make all the difference.

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Well I stopped expecting something groundbreaking from Gaga a while ago. I don't say that she is not capable of it, but just that she is a human being, and not everything that she puts out has to be something from other universe, or something super perfect. 

I will just go with what she gives out and enjoy it.

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actually this is what's gonna happen: people here are gonna talk trash about gaga's acting and there will be people who will defend her no matter what and there will also be people who genuinely think that gaga's acting is good but they shall be branded as biased because ggd is basically a big fat judgmental mess

on a side note, gaga's acting will slay and y'all will deal


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same goes for people who will be to harsh on her. I mean, everything you say is right, but it could be applied on both directions.

You can't expect Gaga to be Meryl Streep, and you cannot deffend her acting as if it was. But you also cannot expect Gaga to be Meryl Streep and bash her to the pits of hell because she isn't.

I am not waiting for her to become the new icon of what an actor should be. But I don't think she will disappoint or do bad. She will be great. 

The only problem here is people's expectations, as you said. So tone it down. 

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