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Bob Lefsetz: "This is Taylor's career defining moment of credibility"


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im glad theyre giving taylor props for standing up to iTunes, but i wish gaga would get props when she stands up for something, and not get called you know "pretentious"...

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There were other factors than taylor, pls. It's just that she was the tipping point of it all. If Taylor says she want's 10% more from each song or album sold apple won't change it the next day.

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Her album is selling millions and breaking records, Apple is saying that they bow down to her, she's turning haters into fans. She'll be turning water into wine next. When will the overdramatisation cease? Americans are so melodramatic at times. No one else worldwide is making this much of a big deal over it all. When the album hit the one million mark in the first week, becoming the only album released in 2014 to sell a million copies, there was actually an article published asking if this was going to be the last album ever to go platinum in the US. That ridiculous piece of delusion made me want to burn things. American media suck up to this woman so much it's disgusting. It wouldn't be quite as bad if she actually made decent music but she's churning out the most generic sellout stuff she can, laughing all the way to the bank. Why don't good things happen to good people anymore? Problem is, she is regarded as one of the good ones. You just need to sing some basic pop tunes to be America's sweetheart these days.

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