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What would ensure LG5's success?


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Success is a conceptual understanding.  Some people consider awards and sales as success, and others the quality and work put into a project. I think it's time to put on you Little Manager caps Little Monsters! What do YOU think could make LG5 a successful album/era? 

My opinion (In order)

- A collection of cohesive music, with an understandable concept. (For Example: The Fame Monster being all about ones deepest fears.) Also, an infusion of other genres in the pop would be nice. Definitely gearing away from straight EDM would be big on the Wishlist...simply because it's starting to fade (slowly) and I just don't like it, lol. 

- Coehsive style, visually and fashionably. She should pick a range of colors that fit the tone of the album and build the era around that palate. Videos, photos, and fashion should be toned to a more general look rather 50,000 completely different looks. One thing I respect about ARTPOP was the Venus Wig look, even though it's not my favorite. It was something identifyable. 

- No heavy promotion, but rather a crop full of promo on BIGGER PLATFORMS. I want there to be enough to really getthe word out, but not to the point like Born This Way where she's overexposed and people hate the sight of her. (GP) 

- I'd really prefer this time around that the album be done, or at least 95% done by the time of the first single. Also, I want her and inter scope to plan the singles out before releasing the lead. More importantly, once they've done that I'd like them to STICK with the decision. Oh, and if they do promo singles, do not put them up for sale, only make them stream able (or watchable with a video). 

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A collaboration with the reigning girl Taylord Swift tbh :neyde:

That would actually be pretty strategic tbh. Strike while the iron is hot, 

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I'm ready for the ARTPOP brigade to come down on me like a ton of bricks but....


* Good music.

Obviously, promotion, consistency yadayada is important but let's be real, you can't build a house on a shoddy foundation.






* ARTPOP is good, but it's not Gaga good.

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Well all of the above in theory.

But if I'm really being true to myself, I kind of wish for the next era to cleanse out the Little Managers.

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8Bit Heart

I want her to take the Beyoncé route. Come up with some unique strategy to put out LG5, whatever that could be. Turn herself into an omnipotent figure in pop - given her Oscar, Buka and Songwriters' appearances, I reckon she is on the right track. People are looking up to her / respecting her more now, so that's definitely a plus.

She just needs a quality first single that people can listen to and look beyond the Lady Gaga persona - and appreciate the music for what it is. Often the issue is that people compare her music to the standards she's created for herself, so if her first single can drive a little wedge between her persona and the lyricism + sound, I think she'll succeed. 

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Thomas P

Good music.

Maybe a collaboration

Good videos.

Rock (IMO)

The looks shes been rocking the last little while. (THOSE GLASSES :whitney:)


I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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A tighter conceptual tie-in throughout the album and promotion.  Gaga shines when she does that.

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I want her to take the Beyoncé route. Come up with some unique strategy to put out LG5, whatever that could be. Turn herself into an omnipotent figure in pop - given her Oscar, Buka and Songwriters' appearances, I reckon she is on the right track. People are looking up to her / respecting her more now, so that's definitely a plus.

She just needs a quality first single that people can listen to and look beyond the Lady Gaga persona - and appreciate the music for what it is. Often the issue is that people compare her music to the standards she's created for herself, so if her first single can drive a little wedge between her persona and the lyricism + sound, I think she'll succeed. 

How beautifully worded. I couldn't agree more. 

Personally, I think her best songwriting is displayed on You and I, because she is telling a true story that has a good meaning, plus no one co wrote it with her. I want her to incorporate that type of songwriting into the lead single, plus the album. Another great example of the writing would be speechless. 

It doesn't have to be crazy, pretentious, or artsy Fartsy to be Gaga. There are many different story sides of her, and those aren't all there is to offer. 

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Jewels n Drugs

R&B music please :giveup:

oh look when you werent looking my motorcycle turned into a piano
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