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DailyMail Users praise Gaga's bikini photos!

Fiona Apple

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Is her chin on a vacation too :emma:


I know it's just the angle, but it's hilarious :laughga:


This has to be photoshopped. :wtf: 

Someone in DM is fking with us. :crossed:

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not cute

just STFU already

Why are you in every thread about her photos/looks when even birds on the trees know that you hate her looks right now?

Log out. 




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daily mail readers are the kind of people gaga was talking about when she said "all the freaks are outside, and i lock the ****ing doors"

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I love to check out the daily mail, for a daily laugh, oh and Dlisted too. I am probably addicted.

Gaga is looking gorgeous and not one can deny it, even daily mail nutters.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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sidebarofshamereader, backofbeyond, United Kingdom, about 6 hours ago

34....count 'em....34 pictures of Lady Gaga in a bikini. That's overkill even by DM standards.


Vicki, Warrington, about 6 hours ago

It's not a thong, she's just pulled it up her ar$e!!!


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Is her chin on a vacation too :emma:


I know it's just the angle, but it's hilarious :laughga:


Lol its not the angle actually.  If you zoom in close you can see that there is a slight change in skin tone near her chin.  Her arm is filling in the space between her chin and her neck. That makes sense because behind her hair you can see her fingertips. In other words,  if she put her arm down, her chin would look fine,  regardless of the angle. 

Sorry to be a party pooper.:creepflop:

I don't understand pineapples, so I don't eat bananas.
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yas but DM is trash and the majority of people that comment on articles are so backwards/conservative/narrow-minded it drives me mad



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You literally posted the only positive comments. The rest are about 95% negative lmao


"43 pictures of a FAT yes Fat Legs ans bum nothing nice about that."

"Fur hag"

"Looks like a sack of fighting cats from behind"

"butt acne...gross"

"Yikes, I've seen less cottage cheese at a Dairy Queen!"

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You literally posted the only positive comments. The rest are about 95% negative lmao


"43 pictures of a FAT yes Fat Legs ans bum nothing nice about that."

"Fur hag"

"Looks like a sack of fighting cats from behind"

"butt acne...gross"

"Yikes, I've seen less cottage cheese at a Dairy Queen!"

click on BEST RATED, they are mostly positive.

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