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Golden Gangsta

People need to get over themselves. Beyonce did nothing wrong. How sensitive can some gorls be??

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Benjamin Monk

sorry but an artist is free to express themselves in any way they want, use of the audio was beyonces choice and she was probably prepared for controversy but that in no way means she should rectify her "faux par" by donating, she can do what she wants.

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"i probably won't make no money off this, oh well" Beyonce from Haunted


so that's what she meant! :derpga: 

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Seems a bit weird and over the top, people get offended to easily these days I think. Artists are gonna use news stories in their artwork sometimes and as long as they do it respectfully I don't see what there is to get upset about. It's not like she was gonna make more off the song because of the clip,although she might now because of the controversy. 


The whole demanding of money from her is sort of bad taste tbh but maybe they should just pay it anyway. 

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She told them why it's included, I think they're making a bigger deal then what they should.

Let's be honest, the "tribute" reason she gave was absolutely ridiculous when you consider the tragic soundtrack she used and what XO is about. But yeah it's being made a big deal out of than necessary.

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I kind of think she should pay anyway. Most other artists pay for their samples.


The entire situation could've been avoided if they did that. And probably for less money as well.


It isn't tasteless, moneygrubbing, or stupid, it is just how things are done in the music business.

Also, just judging by the lyrics, the song isn't that great, and kind of makes a fool of a tragic event, which kind of makes me want her to pay them MORE.

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