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Define Monster


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Dangerous Man

Someone who should show full love, understanding and supppw to Gaga, no matter what chart success she will get. :neyde:


"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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Madonna haters                                                                                                                      

Obsessed with charts                                                                                                              


Stefani lovers                                                                                                                           

Tear other artists down                                                                                                         

Equality advocates                                                                                                                

Ranting all day  



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Obsessed with charts little drama queens who want Gaga to be skinny as my middle finger and who download her albums from torrents and then wonder why she doesn't sell so much anymore. Also, who knows better than her team how to promote an album and what fashion to wear + they would steal her fiancee and bodyguards for a few nights to spend in a hotel. And after that they still love Gaga. :saladga:

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A (Little) Monster is a fan of Lady Gaga who is ok being identified by this  nickname she chose for her fans. Some fans don't like to be called Monsters and they don't have to. It doesn't make them less of a fan.

I don't think we have any obligation, only to support Gaga but as much or little as we like. 

I don't think fandom has to be measured. Just because one fan spends more time and money on Gaga then another, doesn't mean they don't care as much for her and her music. And that's what being a fan is all about to me, you care about her music. To me a Monster not just cares about her work, but also Gaga herself. But It shouldn't matter of you can't afford to see her live or buy her perfume. 

The only thing I can't stand is hypocritical Monsters who are all nice when they meet Gaga, but talk trash about her behind her back and only want her attention to get a selfie.


According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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Monsters is the term Gaga uses the describe her fans. All of them - casual, dedicated and the so called "super fans".

In my opinion it's her fans themselves that created the hierarchy of "real" monsters versus casual fans etc. Yes, there are fans that are arguably more of a fan than others in the case that they buy all her music, go to all her shows and love her more than GP fans etc but Gaga doesn't say at her shows "i love you monsters...and everyone else who isn't qualified to be a monster but is still here" - she's directing that sentence at everyone in the room and everyone who is a fan of her music. 

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