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Gaga's berry blooms!


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Queen of horticulture :legend:

Gaga's exclusive berries could be sold a fortune on the market.

"Fame Is A Boomerang" - Maria Callas
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inb4 she quits being a popstar because she wants to be a farmer

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I hear gardening can be very relaxing; being outdoors in nice sunny weather and watching your efforts come to "fruit-ition". I bet it's a calming yet reflective experience for her.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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does anyone know when she'll go back to New York?

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Those strawberries will be so tasty. You can never compare the ones bought in the market and the ones that grew in your garden. Sadly, it's just April, strawberries don't grow till june here. 

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She better save that froot for the summer or birds and worms will come for it.

Something something idk
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