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Superheros/villains that desreve their own movie in your opinion ?


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It can be from either the Marvel or DC universe

Here is my list of 9  heroes/villains that deserve their own movies

1-Hulk Reboot starring Mark Ruffalo (shocked at this not happening yet)

2-Loki solo movie (Bring out the gays, Tom is a chunk of s-xiness)

3-Black Widow Solo movie (Scarlett is like 2nd to Angelina when it comes to female led action movies, Lucy proved that people are here for BW solo movie)

4-Venom solo movie (the good sis Venom needs his own movie and Carnage needs to make his debut as the antagonist)

5-Joker Solo movie (the slayage will be too hard to handle, the themes they can explore with this, the dark twisted revolting vibe)

6-Teen Titans movie (Robin needs a lead role tbh)

7-Northstar (the first ever gay marvel superhero needs a movie, this a dream at this point but hopefully a reality in the future)

8-Batwoman (the most famous lesbian superheroine also needs a movie)

9-Storm (I mean since Black Panther is the first to have a black male lead, we need a black female lead soon as well)


What about you guys, let me know if you agree with me on any of them.



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MAN RAY needs his own movie tbh


I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.
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I don't really know which superheroes are from which company but I've always like Storm and Hawk Girl, I really hope they get their own movies :flutter: Oh and The Flash is really cool too, I'd watch a movie about him :yes: 

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Joker tbh.

He is such a complicated character.

Every directors will have a field day making stand alone film for him.

DC need to consider this than.making another Batman reboot.

Heard Black Widow and Hulk is actually in talk too tbh.

Hmm, Magneto also sounds good actually, films of his lost years.

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I don't really know which superheroes are from which company but I've always like Storm and Hawk Girl, I really hope they get their own movies :flutter: Oh and The Flash is really cool too, I'd watch a movie about him :yes: 

​The Flash is confirmed to a get a movie : )

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The one and only Ursula

​If Disney makes a live adaptation of The Little Mermaid I would die from slayage, I would be blown away literally dream come true, I can imagine live action Ursula oh dear we are not ready.

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Pure Adrenaline

Black Widow and The Joker



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Mystique- such a twisting character in X-Men universe
Black Widow- i don't think it needs any explanation :legend: 
Daredevil- reboot cuz the old one didn't do any justice to the character 
Iron Fist- i still don't get it why is he so underrated when it comes to movies or tv shows
Silver Surfer- cuz there isn't any movie about him yet 
Namor- i always found him hot :fan: 
and Nightwing :Chica:

Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine
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Pure Adrenaline

 Oh and The Flash is really cool too, I'd watch a movie about him :yes: 

​then u will be happy to find out that infact he is getting stand alone movie in 2018, and even more by that fact that a queer actor Ezra Miller will be playing the role


It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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