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Madonna BANNED from BBC Radio1 for being "irrelevant and old"


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I am young and I love Madonna and some other older artists!


This is stupid!


Madonna still has fantastic songs and tours!

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i am 17 and i love madoona now i didnt during MDNA era ......and how the **** can younger generations found out about her if her song are not payed on radio......this is so stupid,i hope madonna makes smash hit and than say that radio 1 cant play it......

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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They deserve the condition their charts are in for the past year then tbh good ****ing bye BBC

don't follow my instagram (trying out reverse psychology)
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Well, BBC have segments for their radio it seems as mentioned on the OP.

It is not like they banned her altogether by not playing her songs.

Just move her to their another radio playlist that they think suit the age.

Imho that is still ridiculous, since music know no age boundaries. Nor race, or wealth.

Music suppose to be universal.

Each ears have their own favourite sounds.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚒-𝚒-𝚒-𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝...! (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I think this era has been her karma for kicking Gaga while she was down during the MDNA era.

The endless leaks, the single flopping, the accusations of racism and opportunism, lack of interest in her etc etc.

The cosmic reason for this was her negativity. She studies Kabbalah so she should've known this would happen.


So much wrong information on a single post.


If this is karma, then wait for it, because with all your negativity, your own should be on the way.



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Why do all the people here act like its going to hurt her career?


Exactly. It will have no effect what so ever. 


She has persevered all this time with so much hate for everything she does. She will continue being Madonna as ever.

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Yall wont be laughing once this happens to Gaga

this! it will happen eventually


In 10 -15 years she will be played in stations that play older music while Gaga will be struggling to get plays in modern radio


and in 20-30 years probably she will ONLY be played in older music stations. thats just the truth :shrug:


thats why its important to have a good fan base and not rely on the GP. If you have good loyal fans, once your general relevance is gone, you will still have your fans to tour for and sell a modest amount of records to :yes:

They're rather generous for cutting her at 56. U.S radio cut her off in her 40's.

this! most radio stations dont play music from pop artists once they hit around 40


the only exeptions ive seen is for JLO and a little bit with Gwen Stefani... and also Eminem but hes not really pop


Part of it is also that record labels also stop promoting artists once they hit a certain age because they dont wanna spend money on promoting someone whos already established with their fan base anyway, and their life-span with relevance among the GP doesnt have much time left :shrug:

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Well, BBC have segments for their radio it seems as mentioned on the OP.

It is not like they banned her altogether by not playing her songs.

Just move her to their another radio playlist that they think suit the age.

Imho that is still ridiculous, since music know no age boundaries. Nor race, or wealth.

Music suppose to be universal.

Each ears have their own favourite sounds.

yeah... exactly why they are moving her to a playlist that will suit the ppl that are more likely to have "ears" that appreciate her


difference ears are exactly why we have different kinds of stations :toofunny:


u just contradicted yourself in this post :awkney:

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