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PHOTO: Gaga changes Facebook cover to showcase GRAMMY win

Azor Ahai

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If only this era and ARTPOP switched places :cry: don't get me wrong though I reaking loe C2C I just think ARTPOP should've gotten this success also!

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Diamond Heart

First we aimed for the top spot, then for the nomination, then for the win, and now we celebrate how far we have come with the tour. Yaaaasss, I guess.

Exactly, Gaga surpassing everyones expectations  :applause:

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Milk that win. 

Or, to put it in GGD language, "Get dat promo, Gagz".

I think it's all so wonderful.  She deserves this.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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This era has exceeded all expectations and is far from a side project now

Fun fact: Cheek to Cheek is Lady Gaga's only "Grammy Winning #1 Album"

The irony of it all is insane. :jase:

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"The Grammy Winning #1 Album"


:worship:  :worship:  :worship:  Cheek To Cheek

Hopefully we see that title with all her albums from here out! *crosses fingers*


The blasphemy of BTW not getting any grammys :giveup: The Edge of Glory alone deserved an award.

I agree.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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