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artRAVE: The ARTPOP Ball Tour DVD confirmed by GGD!


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There is a pretty good chance of a DVD, with the live stream there's properly filmed HD footage. A lot of work would need to be done to edit and remaster the sound, but it's entirely possible

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Hopefully they edit that speech of her's about a letter about sucide and having that girl on stage. Ugh. That was awful. 



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Dangerous Man

And why should we trust GGD?


"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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Gaga stated in my m&g in Glasgow that she would put out the ArtRave on DVD if people thought it was good enough, which we told her yes it was, but didn't give any confirmation at all. I suppose we will have the recording of the live stream forever, it might not be what everyone wanted but its good enough for me :)

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It was boring and drapped. This was not entertainment.  When you buy a concert ticket did you actually think you paid for this?   Ah, refund please.


 GGD did not like this.  Oh, well.  Keep quite I guess.

I'm flam·boy·ant

adjective flam-ˈbȯi-ənt

: having a very noticeable quality that attracts a lot of attention


Wow, that is a compliment, Just like Gaga

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