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Gaga answers YOUR questions! #CheektoCheek


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Tokyo Rose

a bit unfair how Emma obviously told all the mods when is she going to post the Q&A thread so they all rushed to be on the first page :toofunny:


A lot of the mods have had several in person interactions with Gaga, and since she is a frequenter of this site, she would recognize them because of that as well.


There's nothing wrong with Gaga giving them special treatment. They dedicate a big part of their lives to her

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thank you so much gaga for answering all these questions. It means the world to us to know how accessible you , how easy it is to hear you. your music is not only classic, but timeless. There have been times when i didn't understand the full impact of what it was you were saying. i am speaking of before I was a fan. I had definitely listened and heard you, but the true spirit of what you were saying wasn't revealed to me since last 2 years.  It makes me think back to that article blog you linked about the new fan hearing you for the "first" time. we often as monsters discuss this topic actually .I've seen multiple threads asking, "When did you first 'hear' gaga? and when did you get converted to being a fan?"


for me, its not an easy question to answer. I feel its a developing process and i really, really look forward to the future. TO our future together as monsters, as people.

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Aura Veil

This is a wonderful read! Im now more excited for her future albums. :sara:

I'm truly happy that im able to experience a time where lady gaga thrives. Gaga and this fan base mean a lot to me! :fan:

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a bit unfair how Emma obviously told all the mods when is she going to post the Q&A thread so they all rushed to be on the first page :toofunny:


We actually had no idea it was coming. We were just fast :p 

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She answered good questions :yes:


Glad to hear about Paradise (though we probably won't hear it :koons: )


and that she cleared up that she doesnt think her last albums were "unauthentic" just because they used auto tune and were electronic :yes:


I can't believe people thought she meant that :smh:

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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a bit unfair how Emma obviously told all the mods when is she going to post the Q&A thread so they all rushed to be on the first page :toofunny:

OMG..."unfair"? This isn't kindergarten! Just read the answers and enjoy Gaga sharing herself with GGD...that you are a part of!

Who cares who got picked? :fail:

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a bit unfair how Emma obviously told all the mods when is she going to post the Q&A thread so they all rushed to be on the first page :toofunny:

I thought about that too :ohwell:

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She gives us amazing quotes even in a simple Q&A 


Put me in the ring. Ring the bell, I’m ready life!




We are here for you Gaga! Never stop!!!

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