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VIDEO: Gaga and Tony's HSN Cheek to Cheek Special


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Bloody hooker

Jazz since I was 13... :toofunny:

This mutual gaze was a “longing to touch” or a "pre-coitus" stare.
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What does she mean you can't download it? It's going to be all over the internet.  :toofunny:

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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Jesse Pinkman

I wouldn't be surprised if that lady bought all $13,000 copies herself (and only paid shipping once).


It's science, bitch
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"Singing jazz since I was 13."


There it is. :emma:


The new "I'm Italian." :rip:


"I've been Italian since I was 13" :derpga:

A hybrid can withstand these things.

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