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Do you think Gaga will have a Huge Comeback in the Future?


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Little Fighter

Everytime Gaga takes a **** people think it'll be a comeback. 

<3 Little Fighter = Gaga & Xtina stan <3
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Zoey Brooks

Tbh I think a comeback would require a huge level of manipulation of the press to work. Like the 'Queen Bey' stuff really only came about a few months before 'Beyoncé' was released. She wasn't particularly in the public eye before that point, but then suddenly everyone started fawning over her just before the album release. I wouldn't be surprised if her management planted the seeds for that in order to drum up support for the album when it finally dropped. Gaga would need to pull off something similar to be seen as popular again, and I don't think she'd be interested in that.

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She will have her huge comeback if she return to her glamorous dark looks , pop culture, theatrical performances, radiophonic pop music with genial lyrics, like the whole TFM was, or maybe just something more relatable than ARTPOP. She had an aura of mystery ,her huge sunglasses, her enigmatic persona, her fierce attitude, she need these things to come back. and , sure, she need genial promo.



Gaga is following in Beyonce's footsteps. 4 had a similar impact to ARTPOP and similar reception "meh.. move on...".


But through having an excellent PR team, Beyonce managed to use that blip to catapult herself to legendary status. This is what Gaga is doing.


We will see through the album/s with Tony that she will get Grammys and critical praise. People will be fawning over her as a musician because it's toned down, not the same, and giving promo without giving typical Gaga-ness that people grow wary of.


After all this hype (perfume, Jazz albums, grammys, etc) and lord knows what else is in store - she'll be getting drooled over. People will be dying for new music.


Plus, I think she's smart enough to know that she needs the best team possible around her. She also needs to be a bit of a bandwagoner and get some features on her album that are going to help sell it. Not R Kelly and 2 short, but (if she were releasing today) Iggy, Ariana, Nicki, etc. Or take advantage of people that WANT to collab with her, or get unexpected people who are fans who would probably collab - Adele, Aguilera, Rihanna, etc.


I honestly think the next pop album should kick off with a full plan of action behind it. Videos recorded, the whole nine yards. Not released all at once, but released in the traditional sense - but just so the vids are ready. Professional video makers - Jonas Akerlund for the love of god!


Can you imagine Gaga starting an album campaign releasing something along the lines of JD/PF with a fun video like BDR/JD? Then following it up pre-album with a Rihanna Collab that has a big name producer on the track and the video made by Jonas Akerlund? 


She just needs great PR and some restraint/control/direction. We know the formula that made her big and can make her big again - she seems oblivious.


She will never collab with random ppl, she loves the legends. A ballad with ADELE would be an atomic bomb.

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She will have her huge comeback if she return to her glamorous dark looks , pop culture, theatrical performances, radiophonic pop music with genial lyrics, like the whole TFM was, or maybe just something more relatable than ARTPOP. She had an aura of mystery ,her huge sunglasses, her enigmatic persona, her fierce attitude, she need these things to come back. and , sure, she need genial promo.




She will never collab with random ppl, she loves the legends. A ballad with ADELE would be an atomic bomb.


Most of her ballads have been random as hell. Beyonce on TFM made no sense at all, tbh. Then ARTPOP's terrible duets...

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Most of her ballads have been random as hell. Beyonce on TFM made no sense at all, tbh. Then ARTPOP's terrible duets...

not much collaborations make sense and that's true. ( videphone for example :toofloppy: )

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AP  5 million times already 


OT:  space performance will be a good promo if she plays her cards right she can climb back 


She has altitude sickness so that'll likely be cancelled. :derpga:

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She could IF she:


Works with good producers

Works with professional video directors

Stops this art ****

Stop talking about her fans all the time

Stops looklng like an alien most of the time



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Let's be honest. If Gaga worked with RedOne again she would be back on top, even though he's "generic" he was a major reason why she ever peaked in the first place. 

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She first needs an image change and also a different musical direction, then, sure!


Inb4 she becomes Lady Normal. :koons: I can't see her making any other change cause she changes her style every Era anyway. :huh:

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I think she still has the chance of doing a HUGE comeback... Just wait a couple of years... After ctce ra is over.

But she better not promise things this time

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Fame IV


talent always wins

She could IF she:


Works with good producers

Works with professional video directors

Stops this art ****

Stop talking about her fans all the time

Stops looklng like an alien most of the time



she's just being herself

if you don't like you can leave

Gaga always loved art, she was ARTPOP since the beggining

A Star is Born ⭐
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Honestly i can't see it happening now. BUT people have flopped way harder than ARTPOP and then go to have smash eras so anything can happen

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I don't think so, but it doesn't matter anyway. She will always have TF, TFM and BTW. Now she can do what she wants and have fun. :)

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