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Joker 2 Out October 4th Banner

What're the dumbest things you've seen Gaga called?


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Lady Caca, attention *****, Madonna rip-off, flash in a pan, "tranny"  :millie:  :sick:  


Ignorant trash like that irk me. Never say that sh*t in my presence ever again  :manicure:

Love Trumps Hate
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Like others have said, Lady CaCa. Especially in a city where Spanish is a second language.  :wtfga:

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lady caca

This one makes me cringe all the time. Especially when they say "jajaja" after

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Flopga, Ratga, Tranga, ****ga, basically any word they can think of that sounds mean and adding ga to the end of it. Exhale is notorious for this because they lack creatively and wit. It's the kind of "foaming at the mouth" hatred you see there rather than humorous shade.

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