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PHOTO: Katy Perry with septum piercing on her TIHWD REMIX cover


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When u guys respond like illiterate monkeys with the whole "meh so did gaga invent septum piercings now durrr???" There's a certain context you're choosing to ignore, that this is something Katy does on the daily now, not even just wth gaga but even fka twigs whose not even a pop contemporary. When Katy decided to get her baby hairs parted and curled like fka twigs was she paying ode to the style in general, no and one would have to be near sighted not to notice, it was a rip off of fka twigs. The context being fka twigs made it prominent to her style.

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Septum piercings weren't popularized by Gaga.


My problem with this single cover is it's just bad.

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kety the big bad teen tbh

My name is yours! What's Probglum?
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I just really haven't liked Katy's aesthetic this era. The only thing I've liked is the Unconditionally video, and it seems out of place amidst everything else from Prism.

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Wet Fire

With all due respect, I'd prefer to see Katy take steps before Gaga takes them, so that monsters don't slam Katy time and again. I just gave my personal opinion provided that others are also allowed to have an opinion about my opinion.

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Nose ring!! :)

So now she even posts video of it...



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