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New child sex abuse claims filed against Michael Jackson

Blue Jeans

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its not irrelevant, those are facts I mentioned, being overlooked by a lot of people, which are in a psychological aspect of a--lyzing MJ's situation very much of relevance. In fact they were also partially used in his courtcase. they don't use just paperwork/photos and video material as evidence, a good lawyer tries to understand the person as a whole and the actions he did in life play part in it. 


I admit its creepy to sleep with younger children if they are not yours. Anyways he's innocent until proven guilty. 


It is irrelevant. If an animal abusers donates 50 billion to animal charities, does that automatically mean he's innocent and not guilty? No. If the animal abuser has tons of pets that he doesn't harm, is he innocent and not guilty? Again, no.


If anything, you might want to clear your guilty conscious BY donating to these charities and keeping a few animals that you DO treat well. So it speaks to being innocent just as much as it could speak to being guilty. Humans are complex creatures.

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Diamond Heart

Im not judging these people. I have no idea whether or not MJ was guilty or not but i dont think people should condemn these folks for coming forward and saying they were molested. Of course if they werent and are just trying to get money from his estate, that is despicable because it takes away credibility from actual s-xual abuse victims. However, we dont know what really happened so im not going to judge them for speaking up about it. If they were really molested, it can take YEARS for victims of s-xual abuse to come to terms with it, or even tell people they are close to about it. If i was a parent, and i believed that my 20 something year old son was molested by a pop star when he was a child, i would want justice even if it was years ago. The fact that Michael is dead means they cannot receive any justice in the form of an admission or guilty sentence, so why wouldnt they want to try and get some money from his estate, since theres nothing really more about it they can do? If i thought my child had went through those things and they guy was now dead, i would want to at least feel like he should pay somehow, even if it is just a sum of money for my kid since he had to go through the trauma.  

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Not if it was non-consensual and definitely not if their was a child involved.

my sentence was in that way too, that we will never know what really happened

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my sentence was in that way too, that we will never know what really happened


Your statement can be taken another way in English. It could mean that you are supportive of adult s-xual relations with children...just so you know for future conversations.

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Your statement can be taken another way in English. It could mean that you are supportive of adult s-xual relations with children...just so you know for future conversations.


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What's the point in people coming forward about this stuff when the predator is dead? What are you going to achieve from it? Say something when they're alive still so the appropriate action can be taken against them and they can either admit to it or defend themselves against it.


Because young s-xual abuse victims talk about their ordeals when THEY are ready...not when the time is convenient for other people. Many s-xually abused children wait well into their adult years to confront their past abuse. The issue can come raging forward when the abused start having children of their own or when those children start to get to the age when the victims were first abused.


What are they going to achieve from telling their story? Victims have a need and a right to be heard. They have a need and a right to have some type of closure. These steps are essential in the healing process and could be necessary to move forward in life...probably past depression, or even to prevent suicide.

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The thing that really speaks volumes, is the fact that most of the accusers parents were willing to settle for money. Now, let me ask you this. If you were TRULY out for justice over your child being abused, would you settle for money? Would money make it okay?


Michael Jackson's accusers are nothing but cash hungry liars who saw a weakness in a man who spent his whole life trying to make other people happy and they capitalized on it.




the bold is very accurate

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the bold is very accurate


Would you rather settle for $600k or pay more legal fees and lose your chance at $600k to have a shot at maybe giving some sort of legal punishment to Michael Jackson?

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Would you rather settle for $600k or pay more legal fees and lose your chance at $600k to have a shot at maybe giving some sort of legal punishment to Michael Jackson?


if you wanted true justice then you would continue the trial and have him away for what he did to your child. if you believed that it was such a truly horrific experience for your son or daughter then the trial would be continued. i know i would if that was my kid, i'd do everything to make sure the accused was legally punishment. 

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if you wanted true justice then you would continue the trial and have him away for what he did to your child. if you believed that it was such a truly horrific experience for your son or daughter then the trial would be continued. i know i would if that was my kid, i'd do everything to make sure the accused was legally punishment. 


I doubt you'd do that instead of settling for a sum that will ensure you and your child's financial situation for the rest of your life. But it's all hypothetical talk anyway.

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I want money, power and glooooory :music:

I seriously donnow what to think but I'm more leaning towards people are greedy. :shrug:

And wow I did not know there was such a serious side to Derpplause. :applause:

♢ Social Justice Enthusiast ♢
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Five years after his sudden passing, Michael Jackson is being accused of s-xual abuse by a man who claims he was molested as a child by the superstar.

In court papers filed Monday, James Safechuck, 36, alleges he was abused by the singer when he was 10 years old after appearing in a Pepsi commercial with him.

After multiple visits to Jackson's home (some of which were chaperoned by his parents) and several all-expense-paid cross-country trips, Safechuck joined the pop star on his "Bad" tour, which is when he alleges the first incident of s-xual abuse occurred.

Though specifics of the abuse claims are redacted in the papers, Safechuck says it first happened at the Hotel de Crillon during the Paris portion of Jackson's tour.

The papers allege Jackson gave Safechuck jewelry as a "reward" for s-xual favors and taught him code words so others wouldn't learn about their s-xual activities.

The Jackson estate slammed the allegations Wednesday in a statement to E! News.

"Mr. Safechuck's request to file a late claim against the Jackson Estate so he can recover money from Michael's beneficiary will hopefully be rejected," says the statement. "This is a person that made his claim five years after Michael died, more than 20 years after the incidents supposedly happened and has given sworn testimony that Michael never did anything inappropriate to him."

Claiming he was the first to stay at Jackson's famed Neverland Ranch after it was built, Safechuck states in the papers that the pop star "installed chimes in the hallway to his bedroom" so he could be warned of people approaching and had a "secret closet" in his bedroom where he engaged in s-xual activities with Safechuck.

During the four years that Safechuck claims the abuse took place, Jackson engaged in s-xual acts with him "hundreds of times – on tour, at Plaintiff's home, at DECEDENT's apartment/condominium … at DECEDENT's … Condominium … and at Neverland," the papers say.

When Safechuck hit puberty at 12 years old, Jackson began "grooming him for separation [that] spanned several months" and focusing his attention on a younger boy named Brett, Safechuck claims. Eventually, Jackson stopped s-xually abusing Safechuck but continued supporting him financially and put him in touch with industry people to guide his career, he adds.

In 1993, Safechuck allegedly testified at the Jordan Chandler childhood s-xual abuse trial, where Jackson said those claims "were a complete extortion on the part of the Chandler family," the papers say.

Eventually, Safechuck claims, his relationship with Jackson "tapered off" when he turned 17, enrolled at Moorpark Community College and began having panic attacks.

When he was around 25 years old, Safechuck was contacted by Jackson, who asked him to testify on his behalf in another criminal s-xual abuse case. Safechuck alleges Jackson "got angry and threatened him" after he refused to help.

After seeing Wade Robson, whom he had met in 1993, file a lawsuit against Jackson for claims of childhood s-xual abuse, Safechuck – who by then had a wife and newborn daughter – began meeting with a psychiatrist to deal with his anxiety.

In 2005, Jackson was acquitted on all 10 counts in his child-molestation case. A hearing has been set for early September in this latest case.





MJ and the guy in 1988.


:wtf: :wtf:

Why do people want his money? :wtf: Let him rest in peace :wtf:

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I can't at all of you dumbasses saying "God, just let him RIP!" "money leeches!" Shut the **** up if you were molested you deserve some money. We all know there was an undisclosed agreement when he went to court in order for him not to go to jail. He obviously had a weird obsession with children. Come on.

Go back and read all the court transcripts and documents before you spew that bull****. :)

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