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And the person you're killing doesn't have a choice? You cannot decide for that person.


OT: The argurments of the girl were obviously really weak, the other woman defended her ideas amazingly good  :applause: 

A fetus is hardly a person. Sorry to be so crude about it, but they're not people AND they're using someone else's body to exist in an, essentially, parasitic relationship. If someone or something else is using your body against your will, it should be your right to be able to say "I don't want this".

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I'm totally ignorant when it comes to abortion, I really am totally uniformed about the entire process. As a gay man it just isn't a subject I ever felt pressured into educating myself about, which is obviously a lame excuse.


If there is anyone on either side of the argument who could recommend some reading material I would be really grateful. 

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This girl is full of ****. You cannot preach about 'equality', and 'love' and 'freedom', and then you fight to actually take freedom out of someone else. And don't even make me started of how disrespectful 'abortion holocaust' is to the victims of the REAL holocaust. 

Paraphrasing Gags, a woman should ALWAYS have the right to do what she wants with her body.

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What if she felt it was her right to go out and hunt down her rapist and murder them? That is essentially her argument and she would end up in jail if she did that. She's only being confronted because the other person believes in her heart it's murder. If people can cry murder when we kill a sea mammal, then why not cry murder when we end an unborn baby's heart and brain activity? Neither are capable of making their own choice so why do we assign rights to certain animals but none to these babies? 


I want killing rapists made legal personally. If we can kill babies with brain activity, I want to kill murderers and rapists freely. Why do rapists get more rights than innocent unborn children? I think if a victim of rape is forced into killing her unborn child because of the mental anguish carrying it would cause, (I'd do the same), she should also get to kill the rapist for putting her in the position of having to choose abortion.


I don't understand how some things are murder and others aren't.

The victim is also forced to HAVE the child before "killing" it...

I'm sorry but your argument is very flawed

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What if she felt it was her right to go out and hunt down her rapist and murder them? That is essentially her argument and she would end up in jail if she did that. She's only being confronted because the other person believes in her heart it's murder. If people can cry murder when we kill a sea mammal, then why not cry murder when we end an unborn baby's heart and brain activity? Neither are capable of making their own choice so why do we assign rights to certain animals but none to these babies? 


I want killing rapists made legal personally. If we can kill babies with brain activity, I want to kill murderers and rapists freely. Why do rapists get more rights than innocent unborn children? I think if a victim of rape is forced into killing her unborn child because of the mental anguish carrying it would cause, (I'd do the same), she should also get to kill the rapist for putting her in the position of having to choose abortion.


I don't understand how some things are murder and others aren't.

Most abortions occur during the first trimester, which means many of those children don't even have a developed circulatory system or a brain for that matter, and those that do, do not have it fully developed.

Also, the pro-choice woman's argument is not "kill your rapist" at all :wtf:

We do kill rapists and murderers already, under the law, which is exactly what people want to do with abortion. 


"I think if a victim of rape is forced into killing her unborn child" - No one is going to force her to abort the child. The point of pro-choice is to make it HER CHOICE to abort. ANY abortion, fundamental or by choice, will cause mental anguish, but that's besides the point.


We don't give animals any rights, idk where the **** you're getting that from, they are not people. Only people have rights. What we do do is regulate the hunting of certain animals so their numbers don't plummet. The thing here is that unlike humans, animals can't replenish their numbers as quickly. Humans mate freely, but animals breed in seasons. One human death means nothing to nature, but one animal's death can throw off a entire ecosystem. 

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I'm totally ignorant when it comes to abortion, I really am totally uniformed about the entire process. As a gay man it just isn't a subject I ever felt pressured into educating myself about, which is obviously a lame excuse.


If there is anyone on either side of the argument who could recommend some reading material I would be really grateful. 

The Cider House Rules

There is also a pretty good movie based off the novel

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The Cider House Rules

There is also a pretty good movie based off the novel



John Irving normally puts me to sleep, but I'll trudge through it. Thank you very much for the recommendation. 

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John Irving normally puts me to sleep, but I trudge through it. Thank you very much for the recommendation. 

I'm reading John Irving's "A Prayer for Owen Meany" for school and sometimes I want to throw myself off a bridge. But The Cider House Rules gives you a view of both sides of the issue.

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Pro-lifers are so annoying.


Who are you to decide what someone else should do with their own body? If they don't want the baby, or can't have it due to whatever reason, then they have the right to make that choice themselves rather than some ignorant buffoon deciding that they can't for them. Ridiculous we even have to have this discussion in a so-called "free" society.


I'm so sick of others trying to control my own or other peoples' lives. Live go the f*ck home, control your own life. Especially for those who are LGBT or an ally--that is hypocrisy at its finest! You don't want others to control your own life, but (to all you pro-lifers here) it's okay for you to try and control somebody else's? No.

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I absolutley hate when people use the 'it's just a whole bunch of cells in a uterus' arguement. That 'bundle of cells' *is* a human, all humans go through that stage of development. And I also hate 'it's a woman's body, she should have the right'--no it's not a woman's body, you're killing a fetus; a human being. Any pro-choice person can spin and say anything, but at the end of the day, abortion is terminating a pregnancy, terminating a humans life.


Lol no. It isn't even a thriving, living human yet. At least until after the 1st trimester if not even later. To be human means to have consciousness, a developed brain, a beating heart, etc, etc.


A fetus (see: zygote) has none of these. Your argument is invalid.

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