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VOTE: Favorite Artist on UAEs Biggest Radio Station

Jee Yew Whai

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Jee Yew Whai

Vote for Gaga as your favorite artist!!!



It is important that she doesn't get snubbed. cause its slightly embarrassing considering she has a show in the next 2 months.

Let's get her back on Dubai Radio!

Vote at least 10 times. when you have submitted your vote, just go bakc to the music tab and click world cup of hits. You cant re vote if you just refresh the page. 

EDIT: its happening tonight! keep votingggggggg!!!!

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Jee Yew Whai

Where to vote? Cant find it.

VOting for gaga will resume on the 8th


she won the last round by 58%  :party:  :deadbanana:

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Jee Yew Whai

omg of all bands, we're up against 1D :wtf:

1D landslided Chris brown.

80% to 20%... :wtf:

keep voting!!!

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