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Lady Gaga to endorse E-cigs in new commercial

The Professor

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Allison M

A singer promoting a cigarette alternative that's neatly just as bad as an actual cigarette?

:toofunny: Okay Gags. :smh:

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It was suppose to be in DWUW video and since we are not getting it, I hope she cancelled this whole deal. She should be above that, imo.

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awesome. i have been vaping for a solid year now...


personally, i'm not into the pre-manufactured e-cigs like Blu - corporate blah. I use vaping pens and buy vape juice from handmade vape juice companies like Virgin Vapor & Five Pawns. 


But, I quit smoking tobacco completely. 

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Jewels n Drugs

Well she was smoking a ecig in dwuw mv

oh look when you werent looking my motorcycle turned into a piano
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Doesn't she smoke regular cigs though? Or is she just doing it for the money not because she actually uses the product?




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The Professor

Doesn't she smoke regular cigs though? Or is she just doing it for the money not because she actually uses the product?





ILikeAnal  :toofunny:

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Is this all because of its inclusion in the DWUW video? I'm wondering, why is it that the DWUW video all of a sudden has a bunch of product placements, while all the videos from Alejandro to GUY had none?


Would it have been a Telephone thing, where it would have been clouded in so much product placement that it would have been intentional ridiculous imagery/commentary?

3 points in and ready for more
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Maybe, DWUW will be re-shot? :derpga:


There was so much product placement from the couple of clips we saw so I'm sure those companies fronted money which were wasted so there's a possiblity we get a video.

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Why's everyone jumping to the conclusion that it would be in the DWUW video? From the way it was worded I'm seeing it as more of a commercial-style video to promote them or something?

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This is so misleading. it's a COMMERIAL. Not a video! :roll:

I'll believe that when I see it. So far I think their biggest spokesperson was Cecil B. Demented.


No, I think this was just the DWUW product placement + confusion (Jacob Fuller not realizing the video had already fallen through).

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