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TMZ did not air the full DWUW video


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Well then I think Team Gaga is going about this the entirely wrong way. 


Gaga and her team are just gonna have to accept that the video is going to become publicly available AT SOME POINT. 


Which means, I think they should pre-emptively release it through her own youtube channel. Use the momentum and attention to direct people to her views, not to TMZ. 


I just think it's a mistake if they try to "ignore" the issue & keep it from spreading.. because it's impossible. 

This could potentially hurt her career worse than Judas :toofunny: this is on the level of JB using the N-word

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dumbass beats pill product placement like

at least it kinda makes sense with DWUW. the song premiered first on the Beats advert

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I love how the OP is talking about her most racy and campy video ever, but also includes one of her most sophisticated and classy moments ever





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LOL if this turns out to be great then awesome. If it's utter garbage then that could be great too because the gp loooooves garbage!!!! Nowhere to go but up.  :heart: 



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testing gif maker

Edited by Koreku
You don't deserve a point of view if the only thing you see is you.
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except you stole this from Tobey's twitter... "if youre not gaga.. then youre not slayin"

Gurl.....no. :flop:

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It probably wont leak if she 'doesnt want it to' because she can sue he **** out of tmz...cant she? Didnt she sue a bunch of people when the last vid leaked? If they were gonna release it they shoulda did it already because now im sure they have gagas people on them b---hing like a mofo

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I hope you're being sarcastic. People have been making up funny West Coast lyrics since the song was released. I don't even go on Twitter.  :laughga:

it was complete sarcasm cause everyone on here is so quick to say everyone "copied" someone   forgot to add the  :lana:  :awesome:  :toofloppy:

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Why should she care if it leaks? And why do they have it? Clearly there is something behind this people are missing. Let it leak. It can't damage her.

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This could potentially hurt her career worse than Judas :toofunny: this is on the level of JB using the N-word

The point is that it is better to do something about it than just ignoring it. It is going to be out no matter what they do.

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it was complete sarcasm cause everyone on here is so quick to say everyone "copied" someone


LOL, just making sure. Everyone's being so crazy today.  :cryga:

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Don't post the link to the TMZ live stream. You'll be getting a trojan downloader along with your WP. 


So are we still getting this? It's almost 1 am here and I am not sure whether I should stay up waiting for something to happen :toofunny:

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