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Filler songs on Gaga's albums


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Every artist has filler songs Gaga is no exception. A song can be good and still technically be like a filler track. I mean I really like Electric Chapel a lot, its in my Top 5 from Born This Way, but even I can admit it seems like a filler track. Its just a song that isn't necessarily crucial or notable to the record and doesn't have the strength to be anything more than an album track. The only people that give the term "filler" negative connotation are lames on pop forums that use it to describe any song they don't like.

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Filler dosen't necessarily mean its a horrible song. Just means it probably has some niche appeal/isn't as  interesting as the rest of the songs.I appreciate anything gaga touches but i prefer when an album is consistent and well sequenced .Thankfully gaga is getting better at this. ARTPOP only has a couple filler tracks. BTW and TF were however overstuffed with songs which that were clearly pretty forgettable added nothing to the overall experience of the album.

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Bro, you should've just made this as your status if you're not thinking of our opinions.

Why make a thread about it if you only listen to yourself? K, bye. Have a nice day.

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just because someone doesn't like a song doesn't make it a filler. A filler is a song they quickly throw together to have enough tracks for a whole album.

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There's a few filler songs in ARTPOP tbh.

Imo, they are the following:

1. Swine

2. Fashion!

3. Donatella

No comment at you picking the three best songs on the album as fillers. The only filler on this album is Dope.

don't be a drag
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I think BTW has two filler songs: Electric Chapel and especially FOHL. And TF is full of it (Disco Heaven, The Fame, RTD......) Even tho I hate Dope, I don't think its filler because there is Gagas spirit in that song.

What's RTD?

don't be a drag
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Uhm no, there are definite fillers (basically just songs that are unmemorable and not too good). Honestly many albums in general have filler tracks. Like..i dont get what the fuss is all about. 

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I can understand thinking Donatella and Fashion! are fillers (though they are not imo) but SWINE? its about the inferno of rage and feelings of rape, and visually its been one of her best represented songs ala SXSW and the aptly named Swinefest.


Definitely ARTPOP (her body is the canvas) :legend:

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Why was she so quiet about 'Fashion!' before she released the ARTPOP tracklist?

Just saying :coffee:


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just because someone doesn't like a song doesn't make it a filler. A filler is a song they quickly throw together to have enough tracks for a whole album.

This is true. Filler is exactly that. Something to fill a gap. I would consider only Fashion! as a filler on ARTPOP. Gaga doesn't do much filler to her credit (regardless of the ultimate quality of the song) as she always spends time crafting her songs.

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All of her albums have fillers.  :shrug:

Imo ARTPOP has the most, because realistically thinking- not many of them would be praised much outside of her fanbase. Imo Donatella is the epitome of a filler. 

BTW second- especially if you count deluxe, otherwise there aren't many out of place or random songs. Y&I isn't filler...

And TF third. Not nearly as many fillers as people think. Even the "fillers" could have smashed as a single without riding her hype. Summerboy isn't a filler no matter how "basic" or "bad" people claim it is.  :legend:

And TFM with maybe one filler- SHICD, but it's still damn good. Smaller albums = less filler imo and I prefer that. 


Remember fillers aren't the same as disliking a style or sound. 


I pick fillers based on how well they would do as a single. 

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Tommy Monster

It's not about disliking, it's about the quality of music when compared to the rest of the songs...

For example, I don't say that Black Jesus or Electric Chapel are bad songs, but when I compare them to Scheisse or HML they don't stand a chance :laughga:

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