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Is it me or is gaga REALLY lazy on tour?


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the shy guy

Alot of people in this thread need to calm down. Now I don't know schiesse about dancing, but I went to artrave- Gaga's energy and passion was overwhelming, even in the slower moments of the set. She gave 110 % and her vocals were as on point as I've ever seen them. Now the show being in NYC might have given her a little extra boost, but I can't see it making a night and day difference- especially seeing all the rave (no pun intended) reviews for all the other shows. So relax. Look forward to your date, if you were lucky enough to get tickets. Gaga is fine, and very far from lazy.

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No she is not lazy and it's kinda rude to even suggest that when if you actually go to a show, you can see she puts everything into it.

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This is completely ridiculous. You try getting through a show four to five days a week every week for months. You people bashing her dancing are completely insane.

She is not a robot! And the VMA performance was a one time thing.

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Steve Kershaw

I mean at times she's great and at other times, she just looks sloppy. 

You're right.

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I think she got fat :laughga: 




It's probably because of her hip, but I did realise that she's a bit lazy in this era, from singing to dancing. I sometimes dare to think that she accomplished what she wanted and now just does things to earn money :shrug: 


Don't blame me, but I think that 2013 - 2014 Gaga isn't the one we were watching 2008 - 2012 :shrug: 

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She broke her hip last time and cost her label millions of dollars. kontikki.gif


They're taking it safe to prevent both of those things from happening again. kontikki.gif

and shes a human she gets tired sometimes stop b---hing 

you try touring around the world and dancing your ass off every time. bye.  :reductive:

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I love her dancing but I hate her choreographer.




she tries but that choreo :awkney:



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she tries but that choreo :awkney:




I want my iconic boomkack back.


Gaga needs people in her life who challenge her.

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The only thing about Ricky that I like is that he interacts more with fans and put the choreos on games like just dance :)

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No she is not lazy and it's kinda rude to even suggest that when if you actually go to a show, you can see she puts everything into it.

This so much

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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I want my iconic boomkack back.


Gaga needs people in her life who challenge her.


Boomkack is the Queen of Choreography and everybody will deal :crossed:

buy bionic
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