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Conchita Wurst Opening for Lady Gaga's ArtRave


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we've lived through 1000 times worse opening acts than this but some people are never pleased around here  :toofunny:

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Good that this not happens in Cologne :laughga:

I'd skip the opening act no matter if i get a bad standing then :laughga:

1000x better than the crap we got so far!


I can't wait!



I don't think that any of the others were worser than Conchita 

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everyone on the first page do you guys want a slap or something?

Remember that you are unique. Like everyone else.
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She's presenting freedom and a future without prejudice and intolerance. What's not to like about that?

The point with the beard is to show that you can do what you want no matter who you are, what you are or what you look like.



The fact is that your image does matter and if you're intentionally presenting a certain image JUST to make a statement, that is very fake and gimmicky to me. 


You can be whoever you want, but it doesn't mean everyone is going to like it or that they have to support it.


A lady with a beard is an image that is only intended to disgust, because that's not how people naturally look.


Its like if Blake Shelton went and got breast implants tomorrow, it's just unnatural and therefore ugly and offensive in most peoples eyes, even if they loved Blake Shelton and his music before that.

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Most of the people complaining are probably not even from Austria OR going to the Austrian date lol

Take a ****ing seat, y'all. Most Austrians would probably be really excited about this.

Edit: oh it's for the Turkish date. Hmmm. Still, it's only one date. I don't get the hate for this rumor. And I'm not even a fan.

Actually no. Believe me. 

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At this point, it is just a rumor, right? Even if the rumor were true, it only has to do with the opening act. Do you want to see Gaga or not? If you really do, then something like this should not matter. I am not fond of Conchita Wurst or skag drag in general, but, seriously, some of you are too pressed because of this.

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Don't care for opening acts, I'll be there to see Gaga. I'm not into Conchita either, but I guess she's better then that cartoon character or childish j-pop band America is getting...  :shrug:

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